Latest Cannabis News News

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Ricky Williams touts cannabis as NFL's pain management solution
February 1, 2016 8:03pm EST February 1, 2016 7:52pm EST American Football, News, English, NFL Ricky Williams' status as a cannabis supporter is nothing new. But the former NFL running back thinks the drug is more effective than what the NFL gives …
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Do Cannabis-Infused Suppositories Actually Work? We Put One to the Test
In Foria's own words, Foria Relief is a cannabis-infused suppository "intended to maximize the muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties of cannabis without inducing a psychotropic 'high.'” Each serving contains 60mg of THC and 10mg of CBD, and is …
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Latest Marijuana Legalization News

Obstacles to access of medical marijuana present strong argument for legalization
The article“Growing pains in cannabis industry” (Page A1, Jan. 26) demonstrates clearly why marijuana should be legalized and regulated like alcohol. If citizens were allowed to grow their own marijuana, patients would have access to what they need, in …
Read more on The Boston Globe

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's marijuana legalization could rake in B
Meanwhile, VanCity Buzz wrote that based on Colorado's experience when it legalized marijuana, experts forecast that the market could earn bigger than just Can$ 5 billion. In 2014, Colorado spent $ 700 million for recreational marijuana, which raked in a …
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Latest Cannabis News

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synthetic cannabis warning as teen dies, two more critically ill
A lethal batch of synthetic cannabis is suspected of contributing to the death of a youth in the Hunter Valley region and causing two others to become critically ill in a neighbouring suburb. What was initially suspected of being the accidental death …
Read more on Sydney Morning Herald

Desperately ill George Blakemore believes cannabis oil is helping to 'cure
A young man with an inoperable form of bone cancer, who was told he only had a year left to live, believes cannabis oil has given him new hope. Last August, 23-year-old George Blakemore from Torfaen was diagnosed with Stage 2 Chondrosarcoma – a rare …
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Latest Cannabis News News

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000 in synthetic cannabis seized at Danville gas station
DANVILLE — A Vermilion County drug task force seized $ 40,000 worth of synthetic cannabis being sold out of a gas station in Danville, according to Illinois State Police. The Vermilion County Metropolitan Enforcement Group received information that the …
Read more on Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette

Mom Breaks Law to Treat Sick Toddler With Cannabis Oil
Single mom Sarah Ellett knows she's breaking the law every day when she gives her chronically ill daughter Remie, 3, two tiny drops of cannabis oil. She's determined to continue, as the treatment has brought her child a quality of life that's not only …
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'CANNABIS CAN' grassroots video campaign begins
One week after releasing their new animated 96 second video “Cannabis Can Work For Vermont,” (Watch here->, the Vermont Cannabis Collaborative (VTCC) is launching a “CANNABIS CAN” grassroots video campaign asking …

Medical cannabis in Minnesota: Harlow's story
GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn – Six months into Minnesota's medical cannabis program, a Golden Valley four year old is running up and down stairs, climbing over furniture, writing on walls, and running through the aisles of Target, toddler milestones her parents …
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Latest Marijuana Legalization News

Vermont marijuana legalization bill moves forward
What will the cannabis industry look like in 2012? Vermont marijuana legalization advocacy group Regulate Cannabis Vermont has released a 90-second animated video depicting its vision of a legalized, regulated marijuana industry in the year 2021.
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InFocus: Addressing the issues surrounding marijuana legalization
(WWLP) – It's a debate that's been going on for years in Massachusetts and across the country: the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. There's currently a campaign to put the question to a vote to Massachusetts residents on the November ballot.

Poll: 3 out of 5 in NM support marijuana legalization
SANTA FE – Three out of five New Mexico residents support the legalization and taxation of recreational marijuana, according to poll results released Thursday. The survey by Albuquerque-based Research & Polling Inc. found that 61 percent of residents …
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Latest Cannabis News News

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It's A Nice Day For A Weed Wedding: 5 Signs Cannabis Is The New Normal
These days, I'm seeing more indicators that cannabis is becoming “normalized.” As a byproduct of legalization, the social acceptance of marijuana is taking off in increasingly interesting ways. It's not just that lawmakers and regulators are no longer …
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Clinton Vows Tepid Leadership on Cannabis
You're aware the year ahead could be a big one for cannabis, yes? You've read those articles? You know prohibition has torn apart families, dashed futures, and cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars? You know more Americans than ever support …
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Strong Memorial Hospital Participating in Cannabis-Based Drug Trials
Researchers at Strong Memorial Hospital are involved in clinical trials with a drug derived from cannabis. The Investigational New Drug is called Epidiolex, and it's different from medical marijuana available through the state's dispensaries. It's …
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Latest Marijuana Legalization News

Smoke Two Joints in the Morning, Smoke Two More at Night, Legalizing Marijuana is the Number One Suggestion in President Obama’s Virtual Suggestion Box
Marijuana Legalization
Image by Thomas Hawk

The Register published a story yesterday regarding President-Elect Barak Obama’s experiment with a public suggestion box over at is a sort of government suggestion box where people can ask questions or offer suggestions to the newly elected President that supposedly he’s going to consider. Users on the site can vote suggestions up or down. And the top suggestion amongst the thousands offered to the new President. Yep, you got it, people wanna get high, legally.

From the Register:

"Obama’s site will close down its internet suggestion box today, after a week of taking suggestions and opinions on the new administration’s executive policy from the web public at large. In standard Web 2.0 fashion, users can vote up or down on existing entries — the theory being that the best schemes will rise to top.

Supposedly, the "top ideas" will be presented directly to the new Commander-in-chief in the form of a "Citizen’s Briefing Book" following his inauguration on January 20.

Barring any massive last-minute changes, the tip-top idea will be best summarized by the philosopher/poet Chris Tucker in his cinematic role as Smokey: "I’m gunna get you high today, ’cause it’s Friday; you ain’t got no job…and you ain’t got shit to do."

There are lots of other interesting ideas that the general public has come up with including suggestions for bullet trains and light rail, ending Govt sponsored abstinence programs, creating a more green country, etc. But top of the list is legalizing pot.

Barack Obama of course is the first President who has admitted that he smoked pot in the past and actually inhaled frequently because "that was the point."

With the budget woes that are currently facing the country, certainly legalizing marijuana could provide for a windfall of Government revenue. It was largely the need for tax revenues that got the government to end the prohibition against alcohol back after the Great Depression. In an interesting editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle last week the tax benefits of legalizing marijuana were raised once again with the argument being made that the State of California could possibly address our current budget woes by a tax on the popular drug:

"The marijuana crop is valued at .8 billion annually – nearly double the value of our vegetable and grape crops combined. Our state is the nation’s top marijuana producer. Indeed, the average annual value of our marijuana crop is more than the combined value of wheat and cotton produced in the entire United States.

According to government surveys, 14.5 million Americans use marijuana at least monthly but both the producers and consumers of this crop escape paying any taxes whatsoever on it. While precise figures are impossible given the illicit nature of the market, it is reasonable to suggest that California could easily collect at least .5 billion and maybe as much as billion annually in additional tax revenue, if we took marijuana out of the criminal underground and taxed and regulated it, similar to how handle beer, wine and tobacco."

It will be interesting what our new President has to say about legalizing marijuana if he has the political gumption to actually broach the subject. Certainly almost 100,000 people on the internet have. One person though who it looks like doesn’t support marijuana legalization is Obama’s pick for Surgeon General, Sanjay Gupta.

Marijuana legalization hits hurdles, panel vote Friday
Critics are wary legalization would send the wrong message to children. In the finance committee, researchers said taxing the drug is more complicated than it appears. They also said retail marijuana shops will run into serious issues if they want to …

Potential Marijuana Legalization in Arizona Threatens TASC Drug Treatment Firm
While legalization might make it harder for TASC to stay in business, cannabis consumers won't miss the program. As New Times reported earlier this month, experts believe that just 12 percent to 16 percent of people who smoke marijuana regularly meet …
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Latest Hemp News News

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Growing industrial hemp on its way in region
It is no small thing that industrial hemp will be a new crop growing in this entire region soon. North Dakota will start its pilot project this spring, but Montana is not far behind, and Minnesota is considering starting an industrial hemp project as …
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Latest Hemp News

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Legalizing Weed: Key Players in Kentucky's Legalization of Industrial Hemp Farming
Like many other states, in recent years Kentucky has begun working toward legalizing hemp production for industrial purposes. Cultivation of the plant was long outlawed at the federal level, because it's related to the drug marijuana. However, as …
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Legalizing Weed: Key Players in Maine's Legalization of Industrial Hemp Farming
Maine is among many states legalizing industrial hemp farming in recent years. The crop was banned by the federal government several decades ago, because it's related to cannabis, which is used to make marijuana. However, hemp is not a drug and …
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Industrial hemp subject of Kenton County meeting
COVINGTON – Kenton County and Grant County cooperative extension services will host an informational meeting on the latest research being done on industrial hemp production in Kentucky. Because industrial hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa, there is …

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