New Orleans: Marijuana Arrests Plummet Post-Decriminalization

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New Orleans: Marijuana Arrests Plummet Post-Decriminalization | NORML

NEW ORLEANS, LA — Minor marijuana possession arrests have plunged in the city of New Orleans following the adoption of a municipal ordinance one year ago that called for fining rather than arresting low-level offenders. According to citywide data, just one percent of encounters between police and someone accused of possessing marijuana resulted in an arrest between June […]

New Orleans: Marijuana Arrests Plummet Post-Decriminalization | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Study: Marijuana Decriminalization Leads to Decreased Arrests, No Increase in Youth Use

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Study: Marijuana Decriminalization Leads to Decreased Arrests, No Increase in Youth Use | NORML

ST. LOUIS, MO — State laws reducing minor marijuana possession offenses from criminal to civil violations (aka decriminalization) are associated with dramatic reductions in drug-related arrests, and are not linked to any uptick in youth cannabis use, according to data published by researchers affiliated with Washington University and the National Bureau of Economic Research. Investigators examined the impact […]

Study: Marijuana Decriminalization Leads to Decreased Arrests, No Increase in Youth Use | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Drug Arrests; Marijuana Arrests Both Up Last Year, FBI Reports

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Drug Arrests; Marijuana Arrests Both Up Last Year, FBI Reports | Phillip Smith

Despite spreading marijuana legalization and despite a growing desire for new directions in drug policy, the war on drugs continues unabated. According to the FBI’s latest Uniform Crime Report, released Monday, overall drug arrests actually increased last year to 1.57 million, a jump of 5.63% over 2015. The increase includes marijuana arrests, which jumped by […]

Drug Arrests; Marijuana Arrests Both Up Last Year, FBI Reports | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Advocates to De Blasio: Address Racial Disparities in Marijuana Arrests

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Advocates to De Blasio: Address Racial Disparities in Marijuana Arrests | Drug Policy Alliance

NEW YORK, NY — New York city Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office published a statement this week disputing the findings of the Drug Policy Alliance report, “Unjust and Unconstitutional: 60,000 Jim Crow Marijuana Arrests in Mayor de Blasio’s New York.” The report details that marijuana possession arrests under Mayor de Blasio continue to be marked by extremely […]

Advocates to De Blasio: Address Racial Disparities in Marijuana Arrests | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Tale of Two New Yorks as NYPD Continues Discriminatory Marijuana Arrests

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Tale of Two New Yorks as NYPD Continues Discriminatory Marijuana Arrests | Drug Policy Alliance

NEW YORK, NY — The Marijuana Arrest Research Project will release a major report Tuesday, commissioned by the Drug Policy Alliance. The report, Unjust and Unconstitutional: 60,000 Jim Crow Marijuana Arrests in Mayor de Blasio’s New York, shows that despite changing mayoral administrations and police commissioners, the NYPD continues to make large numbers of unjust and […]

Tale of Two New Yorks as NYPD Continues Discriminatory Marijuana Arrests | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic