Feminized Serious Seeds ? A Brief Overview

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Serious seeds are now becoming popular, these seeds are widely available in most of the Amsterdam coffee houses. A lot of people are very fond of Serious seeds. In this article, we will let you know about some of feminized serious seeds and their many qualities. As we know, Serious is one such firm that offer high quality cannabis seeds.

One of the most popular feminized  Serious Seeds include Bubblegum, the resulting plant is about a medium tall in height and not specifically branchy. It is originally developed by the U.S growers, and it produces compact crystal covered buds. After a lot of experimentation with the original strain, this feminized seeds is now a stable strain, which has sweet smell and a bubble gum taste. Moreover, it gives you a euphoric high.

Another feminized seeds also include chromic, it is a medium tall and not too dense plant. In fact, this plant is a perfect combination of great yields and superb flavors. Many of the veteran smokers as well as growers often pick this plant by virtue of their looks as well as their sweet smell. This feminized seeds can produce plants with super yields without losing its flavors.

But one thing about chronic is that it doesn’t respond well to topping. Growers can generally notice a mild sweet in the flowering stage. It is recommended to dry it thoroughly after harvest so as to preserve its subtle scent. This is one of the best feminized Serious seeds for those growers who wants to maximize their yields without compromising on quality.

Kali Mist is also one among the popular Serious seeds and is a popular choice for many expert growers around the world. This seed is also very popular and favorite of many women who enjoy the sheer smoking pleasure. It has been said that Kali Mist is quite effective at remedying menstrual cramps. Recently, the seeds were also improved for producing higher and bigger yields. Moreover, the Kali strain has the ability for producing a cerebral effect. One can get a clear, strong high from smoking this plant.

One of the other well known feminized seeds also includes the White Russian Seed. This plant scores high on appearance as well as effect. The plant is usually a medium tall in height and is dense with very resinous flower tops. Its smell is very strong during their growth as well as in their flowering phase. The plant has been currently declared the strongest available plant with 22 percent TCH. This plant can be used for medicinal purposes or for inducing a strong as well as long lasting and superb cerebral high. These are some of the well known Serious Seeds you should get familiar with.

Tom Cruise keen to search the facts about Serious Seeds and then after collection of all are above which are very useful and beneficial facts.

Autoflowering Seeds ? A Brief Introduction

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by duncan

Today, breeding of autoflowering strains of cannabis plants is gaining in popularity. In the market new strains and auto flowering half breed seeds are available and these seeds are preferred by a lot of breeders.

When we consider about the auto flowering cannabis seeds, these seeds would be able to grow into fully flowering in more lenient conditions in comparison to cannabis plants typically need. Growing of normal marijuana typically requires well regulated lighting, generally starting with approximately 18 hours of light & 6 hours of dark at the same times daily during vegetative stage & shifting to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark for inducing the flowering stage.

In case of auto flowering seeds, these seeds can grow in constant light and doesn’t require any alterations to the set up in order to induce the flowering stage. This process is much simpler, giving beginners a far higher success.

While cultivating an Autoflowering seed, you simply require planting the seed, leaving it in a position where it has constant and 24 hours a day light. In addition to this, you need to keep the soil moist by watering it in regular basis. Without much of care, auto flowering plants will just be ready for harvest in a short period of time. You will get to see the flowering stage in three-four weeds. But it depends on the types of seeds you are using and the conditions it has grown in.

At the initial signs of the flowering stage, you require changing the light bulb to a flowering bulb as this will help the process along. After you have changed it, you can harvest the plant in two weeks. Currently, many of the breeders are trying to create new as well as hybrid strains of cannabis seeds that will auto flower. One common process to achieve this is by growing an established auto flowering male plant and cross breeding it with female plant. But one thing is that, it will produce a very low % of auto flowering seeds. But with constant breeding of these can result higher and higher numbers of auto flowering seeds.

For growers, autoflowering seeds are a better option to get fast crop under most different conditions as well as in most different locations,  indoors coltivazione or outdoors coltivazione. These seeds have given the growers an opportunity to grow that for reason of space or time hadn’t grown marijuana seeds before. Besides, the production systems of these types of seeds are now mature. In comparison to the standard stains, today it is feasible to achieve 90 % of crop of 80% of the THC content and at the same time saving 33% of the time.

Tom Cruise keen to search the facts about Autoflowering and then after collection of all these which are very useful and beneficial facts.

A Brief History of Sacramento Medical Marijuana

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According to history books, during the late years of 1970’s, cannabis patient named Mr. Robert Randall sued the federal government for arresting him for using medicinal cannabis to treat his glaucoma. He won the case and with this, the presiding judge ruled that Randall should use cannabis for health purposes and required the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to set up a program to allow cultivating, growing, purchasing and even selling cannabis.

The judge asked the FDA to allow growing this cannabis on a farm at the University of Mississippi and to distribute 300 cannabis cigarettes a month to Randall. Meanwhile, after several years, in 1992 to be exact, US President George H. W. Bush put an end to the program after the patient, Mr. Randall tried to make AIDS patients qualified for the said program as well.

Initially, there are thirteen people were already enrolled and were allowed to continue sniffing medical cannabis cigarettes to cure their medical conditions, then few years later, the US government just shipped medical cannabis cigarettes to merely seven medicinal cannabis patients. One cannabis patient named, Mr. Irvin Rosenfeld, who during those years has received medical cannabis attention from the program since 1982 to treat his rare bone tumors, urged the George W. Bush administration to reopen the program; however, in the end he was not successful though.

During those times, the state of Alaska is the only state in the United States where possession of up to one ounce is legal. Sacramento back then was not allowed to use this medical cannabis even as an alternative medicine to cure diseases.

Medical experts in Sacramento cited the dangers of cannabis even for medical purposes. They added that the lack of clinical research supporting its medicinal value to heal various medical conditions. Meanwhile, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (SAM) in March 2011 issued a white paper recommending a halt to using marijuana as a medicine in US states where it has been declared legal. But medical patients in the Sacramento region, who has been cured by this medical cannabis, beg to disagree about the proposal done by the (SAM). Medical cannabis patients defend the benefits they get through this medical cannabis, and they would rally behind the full legalization of this alternative medicine to cure their health problems.

During Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s reign as the Governor of California, medical cannabis has given so much attention. He prioritized the legalization of this alternative medicine to help medical patients who are looking for alternative treatment to cure their medical conditions.

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A Brief History of Hemp

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The history of Hemp and it usage dates back to the Stone Age of man as hemp impressions are found in China and Taiwan which are assumed to be over 10,000 years old. These medieval Asian people used this very fiber to make their household items including clothes, shoes, ropes and even paper. The Chinese are credited for the introduction of paper to the world and that very first paper that was manufactured comprised of hemp.

Till the 14th century hemp was the most common material that was used for clothing. Hemp clothes were particularly popular in lower classes of European countries. Every small town in Europe in Dark Age had an access to a heap field. Moreover, hemp clothes were also used as war clothes. The conventional European hemp was not used as a drug because of its low addiction and narcotic content. Despite this fact, it was still cultivated in huge amounts because of its fiber content and traditions prove that it was even used by Christopher Columbus for tying ropes on his ship.

The Spanish are accredited for introducing hemp to the American content as they started the cultivation of hemp in Chile in 1545.The cultivation spread and this new, useful crop got recognition as in May,1607 famous historian Gabriel Archer reported to see hemp cultivation in Powhatan village where Richmond, Virginia at present day stands. Another historian Samuel Argall also claimed this widespread cultivation of hemp which was better than the European version in Upper Potomac. In 1619, an official act of cultivating “Indian and English” hemp was passed by the government of Virginia State. The Puritans are the first known cultivators of hemp in New England. Famous American President George Washington and Thomas Jefferson cultivated hemp on their farms. Another father of the nation, Benjamin Franklin started the first American paper mill, which exclusively used paper as its raw resource.

The era of Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution increased the consumption and production of hemp as it was a main source of military uniforms. The basic reason that hemp was preferred over flax was its added strength, durability and lower cost. These factors override the coarse texture of hemp. United States during the Second World War extensively used hemp as it was used for manufacturing uniforms, ropes and canvas. At that time, Kentucky and Midwest were the major suppliers of hemp. Hemp has contributed greatly to Kentucky’s economy and a large area of Kentucky even today is dedicated for hemp plantation and cultivation.

The hemp market was severely affected at the start of twentieth century as it saw the invention of steam and diesel engine which barricaded the way of sea transportation. As sea transportation was halted, the demand for rope drastically declined. Invention of artificial fibers and synthetic fibers also bought a decline in the demand.

Nowadays, the production of hemp is legally permitted but on a smaller scale because of the discovery of its narcotics effect. The U.S Government permitted a widespread growth of hemp during the Second World War to counter the production of Manila hemp which was grown in Japanese colonies at that time. An American even produced a film on hemp which showed how increased production of hemp led to American victory in World War Two.

Soviet Union before its breakup was the world’s largest producer of hemp during a period that started after the Second World War and ended at its break up. The main production areas of Soviet Union were Ukraine, Krusk and Orel regions. Ukraine has the honor of developing new hemp varieties. The experiments for new varieties of hemp were based on improving fiber quality, per hectare yield and decreasing the THC content.

Most industrialized and developed nations of the world such as Australia, China, Great Britain, Russia, France and Spain are the chief producers of industrial hemp. The only exception is the United States as certain laws don’t allow the production of hemp. France is the leading producer of hemp in Europe with 8,000 hectares reserved for hemp cultivation. Canada and United Kingdom are the two other competitors in line who resumed their production in the 1990’s. In Asia, China is the leading supplier followed by Philippines and Japan. As far as United States is concerned, the production of hemp is banned but some states such as North Dakota, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, Maryland, Maine and West Virginia have resisted federal laws and are cultivating industrial hemp.

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