Fast Facts About Hemp Make the Case For Hemp Diapers

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Children of the eighties have recovered their parents’ fascination with hemp, but they have put it to practical use instead of relegating it to the world of poor jokes and sniggering allusions. By the time the children of eighties children have their own children, hemp probably will be the fabric-of-choice, the norm for cloth diapers worldwide.

Fast Facts and Considerable Advantages

Yes, hemp belongs to the same family as marijuana, and you might easily mistake one for the other in the wild, because their leaves have very similar shapes. Hemp, however, contains absolutely no THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Children of the eighties already have outgrown the jokes and allusions. In fact, hemp’s genus and species name, translated from Latin, specifies it as “useful cannabis”-a huge distinction from its intoxicating relative.

Three times stronger than cotton, considerably more absorbent, and far more durable, hemp grows abundantly with very little care or cultivation, and it requires no pesticides because it has no insect enemies. In other words, hemp is an infinitely sustainable high-yield crop. And hemp fibers are by far the strongest known to humankind.

Hemp naturally resists fungi and bacteria, and it is both biodegradable and easily recyclable. Medical history contains no record of allergic reaction to hemp fibers-not one reported case in more than 10,000 years of regular household use.

Despite hemp’s conspicuous advantages and tremendous profit-making potential, it has not become a cash crop. Although it ought to cost considerably less than cotton or synthetic fibers, hemp’s relative scarcity has driven-up its price as demand for hemp diapers and other hemp clothing steadily has increased. This scarcity remains the single obstacle to hemp’s emergence as the world’s leading diaper material. In 2009, only one Chinese manufacturer produced the hemp/organic cotton blend used in diapers.

Hemp typically is processed and woven into one of five fabrics:
(1)muslin, common in women’s blouses and dresses;
(2)knit jersey, comparable with everyday t-shirt fabrics;
(3) stretch-knit terry, a blend of hemp and Lycra prized for its exceptional absorbency;
(4) French terry, a hemp cotton blend woven to the texture of good bath towels; and
(5)fleece, comparable with sweatshirt material and most commonly used for diapers.

Ashley J Michaels is an home economist. For more great tips on Hemp Diapers, please visit

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Hemp Diapers Information

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It is necessary for you to learn about hemp diaters whether you are expecting a baby in the next few months or not, due to anticipating environmental initiatives and promising economic ventures.


Hemp has the potential to revolutionize the entire clothing industry just as it has rendered old diaper designs and manufacturing methods completely obsolete. By no means is it a radical new discovery, hemp has been cultivated since approximately 8000 B.C., and botanists have understood hemp’s distinction from its psycho-active cousin, marijuana, since they first taxonomized the cannabis family. Botanists wisely dubbed hemp “useful cannabis.” Farmers and manufacturers are just beginning to recognize how amazingly useful hemp may become.


Hemp diapers provide agronomists and economists with tools for estimating hemp’s potential. Rigorous testing and everyday use both confirm what wise homemakers always already have known about hemp: Anything cotton can do, hemp can do better. Against every measure of fibers’ quality, hemp substantially outperforms cotton. When farmers recognize hemp’s potential as a cash crop, hemp easily could replace cotton as the world’s most popular fiber. Acre for acre, hemp yields far more fiber than cotton with far less labor. And, because hemp requires very little cultivation and absolutely no pesticide, it costs considerably less to produce than cotton. Hemp’s profit margin dwarfs cotton’s. Far more importantly over the long term, hemp does not deplete the soil, whereas cotton ravages it. Because hemp ranks among Nature’s most durable fibers, it recycles almost indefinitely, yet it also degrades relatively quickly, making it the ideal compostable fiber.


Given hemp’s profound impact on diaper manufacturing and sales, clothing manufacturers have begun considering hemp’s promise (or threat) in ready-to-wear. If, for example, Levi-Strauss switched from cotton to hemp, their already durable jeans would become almost indestructible. Translation: lower gross sales, but considerably lower operating cost, so that profit reasonably may be expected to increase. Imagine how well hemp denim would work in children’s clothing. One little pair of Oshkosh B’Gosh Overalls might last seven generations.


Some forecasters identify hemp diapers as the canary in the clothing industry’s mine. Hemp diapers’ success very well may signal radical upheaval in everything about how clothes are made, marketed, and sold.


Ashley J Michaels is an home economist.

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