NORML Chapters Focus on Voter Registration and Education

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NORML Chapters Focus on Voter Registration and Education | Kevin Mahmalji

As the summer months come to a close and as political campaigns around the country ramp up outreach efforts, NORML chapters are working to make sure that supporters of marijuana law reform efforts are registered to vote. Through our partnership with Rock the Vote, we’ve made it quick and easy for our members and supporters to […]

NORML Chapters Focus on Voter Registration and Education | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Science Education – Making Science Fun

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Every school in America is required to teach science. This is because science and scientific learning is a fundamental part of our existence. Most everything that we encounter on a day-to-day basis is, in some way, related to science. Even when we are sleeping, science is there to explain why we need to sleep and what takes place while we are sleeping. Because of this, science education is essential to life as we know it. Of course there will be many people who are happy to go through life without knowing how a bird can fly. Even given this fact, there will always be something that they will need to know and understand that is grounded in science. Even if it is something as simple as ‘fire is hot’ or ‘getting punched hurts. Science is there to explain these simple things too.

A good foundation in science through science education is required for all children, but the way that this education takes place is not strictly defined. With that said, many schools will take to science experiments using hands-on science products and supplies. This is an excellent way for students to ‘see’ the science around them. Often times learning from a book can be tedious and will cause students to become uninterested in the subject matter. A science experiment, however, is interactive and forces the students to take part in science learning. These projects don’t have to be complicated and will usually result in a much higher level of learning retention.

There are a few reasons why children better retain knowledge gained through scientific experimentation. One is it allows you to appeal to those children who are visual learners. These students are the ones who need pictures or demonstrations to remember things. Words just don’t stick in their minds as well, but when they can see a science demonstration or visualize an experiment, they can comprehend and retain the subject matter with much better success. Many students tend to thrive in science because it offers the visual aspect that many other subject matters do not.

Another reason that knowledge gained through science experimentation is retained longer by students is because they are actively engaged. They can’t simply skim through the experiment, they have to make sure that they are doing things correctly, and the only way to ensure that is by understanding what is going on. It forces students to understand the science behind what they are doing, and if they don’t, often times the experiment won’t turn out right.

Finally, hands-on science experimentation gives the student a sense of accomplishment. It is a reward of sorts, to have the experiment turn out correctly. That reassurance and sense of achievement at the end of each experiment will cause them to want to do more. It will also give them more confidence in what they are doing and possibly cause them to take up more science projects on their own. They will already be comfortable with the process they need to follow and will merely need their own ideas and theories to start their own projects. Even their own small science projects will increase their knowledge of how the world around them works and functions.

Find unique and innovative Science toys and Science Supplies for Physics and Physical Science. A wonderful resource for science teachers for teaching electrostatics, magnetism, electricity, force, motion, sound, light, color, waves, gas laws, alternative energy, pressure, fluid dynamics and elementary science. For details visit

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United Patients Group Spearheads Medicinal Cannabis Education Efforts with CME-Eligible Online Courses

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San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) January 29, 2015

United Patients Group, an online resource for medicinal cannabis information and advocacy, is now offering doctors the opportunity to learn about the rapidly evolving science of medical cannabis with the 12-course online series “Medical Cannabis from A to Z—A Clinical Cannabinoid Medicine Curriculum.” Offered in collaboration with The Medical Cannabis Institute (TMCI), a division of Scitent, a leader in online medical education, the classes are eligible for up to 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Continued Medical Education (CME) credits.

“Stay ahead of the curve by learning how you can help your patients with medical cannabis,” invites United Patients Group founder John Malanca. “These courses are designed to review the history, science, and applications of medicinal cannabis, so you get an in-depth exploration of this emerging field from the comfort of your home.”

This series, which was developed by the Society of Cannabis Clinicians (SCC), is designed to teach clinicians the research and clinical practice facets of cannabinoid medicine. Topics covered by the series include:

    History Of Cannabis As Medicine: A Timeline Through Current Drug Policy Issues
    The Endocannabinoid System
    Cannabis—the Plant: A Phytocannabinoid Medicine
    Pharmacology Of Cannabis & Physiologic Effects Of Phytocannabinoids
    Delivery and Dosage of Cannabis Medicine
    Clinical Practice I: Cannabis Use for Pain
    Clinical Practice II: Insomnia, Glaucoma, and Immune Disorders
    Clinical Practice III: Movement Disorders & Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Clinical Practice IV: Mental Health Conditions and Potential Psychiatric Applications
    Clinical Practice V: Cancer and Palliative Care
    Clinical Practice VI: Cannabis Use Disorders and Precautions
    Clinical Case Study Reviews

“This is your opportunity to become a leader in this emerging medical field,” says Malanca. “Your expertise could open up a new level of treatment options for your patients.”

As acceptance of the validity of cannabinoid medicine has grown worldwide, clinicians, researchers, and patients are finding that it helps with a remarkable number of ailments, even when pharmaceuticals fall short.

“It’s time for us to stop burying our heads in the sand about cannabis,” Malanca declares. “Cannabis is a life-saving treatment option, one that all doctors should know about and all patients deserve access to. The information in this curriculum will forever change the way you help your patients.”

To learn more about United Patients Group’s CME course offerings or information about cannabinoid medicine, go to

About United Patients Group:

United Patients Group is a discreet, safe, and professional online medical cannabis information resource for prospective and current patients, caregivers, and medicinal cannabis industry professionals.

While most online medical cannabis sites cater to patients already familiar with medical cannabis, the website is a comprehensive and easy-to-use information source for people of all ages and experience levels, from novice users to experienced industry professionals. The site’s News, Resource, and Blog pages introduce new patients to the ins and outs of medical cannabis healthcare, while helping experienced providers stay abreast of the latest developments in THC and CBD therapies.

A complimentary five-star-rated United Patients Group medical cannabis app is available on the iTunes app store for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and any iPad.

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Marijuana Business and Education EXPO to Provide Entrepreneur Networking in Las Vegas, June 22nd and 23rd with Marijuana Industry Training by Cannabis Career Institute

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Las Vegas, Nevada (PRWEB) June 03, 2014

With the U.S. House of Representatives passing an amendment last week restricting the DEA from targeting and raiding medical marijuana operations in states where medical marijuana has been made legal (Steve Benen, Rachel Maddow Show, House votes to restrict DEA marijuana raids, June 30, 2014, MSNBC), entrepreneurs are starting to realize that the cannabis industry has finally started.

For the first time in history, Americans seem to be prepared to dive into this new industry with gusto. Gallup Polls showing 58% of the U.S. population surveyed were reported (Art Swift, Gallup Politics, For First Time, Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana, October 22, 2013, as supporting the actual legalization of marijuana in America. This seems to signify, on numbers alone, that the people across the nation are ready to embrace cannabis not only as a medicinal product, but also for recreational use. Business minded people are paving the way to make marijuana and cannabis products the newest and latest trending industry with creative and legal planning.

Entrepreneurs and politicians alike have been watching how Colorado’s state sales and tax revenues (Colorado The Official State Web Portal, Colorado Marijuana Tax Data, 2014-March, have been playing out. As the Colorado government posts information monthly, with over 18 million dollars in reported revenue on their website, both politicians and entrepreneurs are choosing to expand their horizons by creating new ways to get into the marijuana business sector.

During the last few decades, only those who were considered drug dealers, were able to network or learn much about the industry. Those people were often jailed or ridiculed by society and placed within a stereotypical mold that consisted of tie-dyed “stoner” innuendos and even humorous movies like Cheech and Chong’s “Up In Smoke” (Movie, IMDB database, director Lou Adler, writers Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin, Released September 15, 1978, USA) or comedy skits. However, in today’s world, attorneys, brokers, insurance companies, product distribution companies, agriculture businesses, doctors and educational facilities are becoming the leaders who are making headway. Many of the business representatives in the cannabis industry often have college degrees, dress in business attire and make significant amounts of money by providing medical marijuana, cannabis products or hemp products in states where it has been legislated – or by some involvement in the cannabis business world that facilitates the industry as a whole.

This June, in Las Vegas, the International Cannabis Association will be putting on an Exposition that will not be like other conventional marijuana trade shows. The ICA was founded on the principle of helping interested people explore the idea of getting into the cannabis industry. The Mission goals are to establish a foundation network to help entrepreneurs actually get started by providing significant information, while helping to provide a framework for those people to grow and expand their own businesses by effectively learning, networking and communicating with other business professionals.

Cannabis Career Institute partnered up with the ICA for the educational portion of the EXPO and is expected to teach in-depth classes on topics that cover everything from the history of hemp, extraction processing, medical patient information, the endocannabinoid system – all the way to the legal systems currently in place and marijuana infrastructures for businesses within the United States.

Robert F. Calkin began the Cannabis Career Institute, in 2009, after teaching at Oaksterdam University and operating his own medical marijuana delivery service since 1988, in California. He is the author of a best selling cannabis industry handbook, “Starting Your Own Medical Marijuana Delivery Service: The Mobile Caregiver’s Handbook,” published in 2010 and was one of the original members of the American Hemp Council in 1988 with Jack Herer and Chris Conrad (Cannajobs, Meeting of the Minds PDF uploads, 2011, Seattle). Robert Calkin is one of the main speakers and instructors at the EXPO, where he will provide a wide variety of information to audience participants.

Cannabis Career Institute teaches full day classroom workshop seminars across the nation to students looking to get involved in the cannabis industry and has been noted by many news and media sources across the country. Many of CCI students have reportedly gone on to become successful business owners within the marijuana industry and some have even come back to CCI in order to share their experiences to help teach future students. The main focus of CCI is compliance and education in order to help individuals and businesses achieve the best practices and standards within the industry before government regulation begins.

The International Cannabis Association EXPO, in Las Vegas, Nevada, is expected to bring out thousands of interested people over the two day period.

Several highly anticipated Keynote speakers are on the roster, including: Steve Yastrow (Business advisor and author of “Brand Harmony”, “Ditch the Pitch” and “We: The Ideal Customer Relationship”), Barry Shamis (CEO of the management consulting firm; Selecting Winners and author of bestselling systems like “The Small Business Guide to Recruiting and Hiring Success”), Dan Riffle (Director of Federal Policies,, Michale Julian (National Business Investigations, Inc. Security Solutions for the Cannabis Industry), Andy Joseph (Apeks Supercritical), Dean Guske (CPA), Kerry Blasdel (, Dr. Gerry Bedore. PhD, MBA (Cannabis State University, author, Socrates Distance Learning Technology Group co-founder, Researcher, Educator and Horticulturist), Robert Calkin (Green Dot Delivery, Cannabis Consultant, Cannabis State University, Green Cures, Inc. and Cannabis Career Institute), Meki Cox (Marketing, Green Cures, Inc., Standards of Cannabis Business, Networking,, Event Facilitator and Instructor), Matthew Abel (Michigan NORML and Attorney of Cannabis Counsel), Casey Keith (Multiple Sclerosis Medical Marijuana Patient, Entrepreneur Activist and Cannabis Career Institute Instructor), Brian Pearson (Valuation Advisors, LLC), David Hargett (Innovative Extractions Owner and Cannabis Career Institute Instructor), Ryan Hurley (Rose Law Group), Lawrence Mishkin (Silver & Miskin Partner), Anthony Fiacchino (Transporting AeroStar Global Logistics, Inc.) and many more.

The International Cannabis Association EXPO will be focusing heavily on networking and business training, high level education and will include a casual cocktail opening where guests will be able to individually meet and greet with Industry Experts on Sunday evening. Dan Riffle of as Director of Federal Policies will be available to speak with guests, NORML executives and speakers will be available to provide detailed information. Political Candidates and Representatives will be on hand to discuss their policies and opinions on the Cannabis Industry.

Monday will host a variety of Keynote Speakers in the Main Hall and also includes a large carefully selected group of cannabis business vendors situated in a very business oriented trade-show arena, where guests are invited to learn about these very successful business vendors in the industry and may ask questions of the vendors, purchase vendor products, discuss consulting projects and more. Vendors currently include such professional selections as THCBiz, MPS International, Green Cures, Inc., Intuitive Websites, Kaercher Insurance, Colorado Springs Cannabis Center, Gardening Unlimited, Innovative Extractions, Bulbulyan Consulting Group, CCI and many more.

For the educational portion guests will be able to choose their own classroom selections based on a first come, first served seating process. Cannabis Career Institute will have six individual rooms based on six different topics, and each class will last approximately one hour. These classroom sessions repeat every hour, so that guests can attend in any order they choose and can partake in each class, or repeat classes as desired. Topics include: The Cannabis Hemp Industry, Extractions, Cannabis – A Medicine, Starting a Cannabis/Hemp Business, Legal Environment and The History of Hemp – which cover a wide variety of information under each topic.

With new businesses entering into the cannabis industry daily, there are many companies that have not yet been seen in the public eye at any other convention or trade-show. The ICA would like to welcome Green Cures, Inc. who will be providing their first public display of products and more. Green Cures, Inc. provides botanical distribution of hemp products and expects to provide future CBD products online.

The ICA would also like to welcome the expected future giant of education, Cannabis State University. The people behind CSU are not new to the cannabis industry, however, this will be the first public viewing and the very first opportunity for the general public to discuss CSU with the founders. Cannabis State University is expected to be one of the first fully accredited college in this sector in the United States. Cannabis State University has a full board of educators (Dr. Gerry Bedore, Jr., Ph.D. MBA, “Online Student Success and Completion Rates”, publication Lambert Academic, 2010) who have detailed experience in quality educational facilities and student programs and CSU boasts plans to implement future degree programs for the medical industry, agriculture industry and business industries.

If you are considering joining the cannabis industry or just need to learn more, the ICA EXPO is one trade-show convention that you will not want to miss. The cannabis industry is, indeed, coming to the United States, if you’re paying attention to the data which appears to be backed by Gallup Polls and opinion. While medical marijuana for those who need it may be the first reason most people choose to get involved, the mass potential for job creation and a fresh influx of financial streams are what will keep this new industry going. Don’t fall behind on this industry, gain the information you need, meet the contacts you’ll be required to have and learn as much as you possibly can by attending this unique EXPO hosted at the Hard Rock Hotel, in Las Vegas on June 22nd and 23rd.

Discount coupons were provided to CCI for members of the Press, CCI students, Family members and friends. Special Code: CCi2014 offers guests $ 300.00 off the general entrance fee and Vendor Discount Code: CCibooth offers businesses a 35% discount on Vendor Booths.

Members of the Press who would like to interview specific members for educational or business information are requested to contact meki(at)cannabiscareerinstitute(dot)com at least three days in advance.

Oaksterdam University Presents Todd McCormicks Grow Medicine to provide marijuana education at the Rhode Island Convention Center in August

Oakland, CA (PRWEB) June 19, 2014

Oaksterdam University and Todd McCormick are offering three one-day presentations, best taken together. The event will be held in Todd’s hometown, at the Rhode Island Convention Center together August 15, 16 and 17.

Friday, August 15: Part 1 – Personal Cultivation Seminar

From Seed to Sale – An Overview of Cannabis and the Growing Opportunity

Saturday, August 16: Part 2 – Advanced and Commercial Cultivation Seminar

Dutch Method: Secrets of Cannabis Cultivation from Amsterdam to California

Sunday, August 17: Part 3 – Everything Extracts Seminar

Hashish: From Dry Sieve to Modern Gas Extraction & Terpenes

“People are seeking information they can trust from reliable sources with demonstrable backgrounds in the cannabis industry. Participants in professional cannabis education are quickly becoming the leaders in this emerging industry,” explained Todd McCormick, when asked why it was important to attend. Todd started growing marijuana in 1984 to combat the side effects of cancer treatments. Between the ages of two and ten, Todd underwent long-term chemotherapy & radiotherapy treatments, as well as nine major operations in his fight against a rare disease called Histiocytosis X. When his mother feared that he would not survive a new tumour in soft tissue next to his heart, she decided to give him some marijuana medicinally. Todd was nine years old at the time and his mother’s decision saved and changed his life.    

Since 1994, Todd has been an activist, publicist and researcher of Cannabis. He collaborated with Jack Herer on the ground-breaking book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”. In the mid-90s he lived in Amsterdam, where he became one of the first 10 patients in the Netherlands to receive a prescription for medicinal marijuana. Best-selling author Peter McWilliams brought McCormick back to California in 1997 in order to write his first book: How to Grow Medical Marijuana. That summer, the DEA raided Todd’s Bel Air home and destroyed all the legal plants on the premises; years of work and rare genetics were lost forever. After a three-year long legal battle, Todd would be denied a medical necessity defense in federal court and imprisoned for five years. His only crime was growing and studying the medicine that had saved his life.

In addition to being an uncommonly dedicated activist and expert on the Cannabis plant, Todd continues the fight to rehabilitate the image of the hemp plant as the owner of, an online magazine and community, and producer of the THC EXPO at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Todd was featured in the award winning Canadian documentary “THE UNION: The Business Behind Getting High” and is an executive producer on the currently in-production follow-up film: “THE CULTURE HIGH”. In 2012, along with Sir Richard Branson, Todd was awarded the Cannabis Culture Award for a lifetime of dedication to Cannabis legalization. His next book, titled “GrowMEDICINE” will be released this summer.

America’s first cannabis college was founded to provide students with the highest quality training. Oaksterdam University became the first institution to address the growing needs of the marijuana movement, from patients to regulators. The faculty is comprised professionals, academics and many of the most recognized names in the cannabis industry. Oaksterdam launched the Prop 19 campaign, the blueprint campaign for legalizing Cannabis for adult consumption. The Oakland campus is located across from the historic FOX Theater in revitalized downtown Oakland, California.

Since 2007,Oaksterdam University has provided quality training about Cannabis and marijuana policy reform for over 17,000 students at several campuses in the United States. “The institution offers the chance to learn about this controversial plant, and creates an interesting blend of individuals and opportunity,” said Dale Sky Jones, Executive Chancellor. “OU welcomes diverse students who are looking to change careers; some simply want to brush up on their horticulture skills. OU also attracts business owners who want to train their staff, folks who want to open their own business, and patients simply trying to understand the law and their rights. More and more baby boomers are discovering they would rather smoke pot than reach for pharmaceuticals.”

The Rhode Island Convention Center (RICC) is one of New England’s premier meeting and exhibition facilities. Located in the heart of downtown Providence, the RICC is within walking distance to restaurants, hotels, shops, art galleries, nightclubs, museums and a superb in-house catering team.

To schedule an interview with Todd McCormick or Dale Sky Jones, please contact (510) 251-1544 or email events(at)oaksterdamuniversity(dot)com.