Nevada Reaps $500k in Pot Taxes while Massachusetts Earns Nothing

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Nevada Reaps $ 500k in Pot Taxes while Massachusetts Earns Nothing | Scott Gacek

Two of the states that legalized the adult use of marijuana in November have taken very different approaches to the opening of the retail marijuana marketplace. In Nevada, where lawmakers and state regulators pushed for an early start to retail marijuana sales six months before the voter-approved measure called for it, marijuana sales began just […]

Nevada Reaps $ 500k in Pot Taxes while Massachusetts Earns Nothing | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Legal Marijuana Sales in Nevada: 8 Things You Need to Know

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Legal Marijuana Sales in Nevada: 8 Things You Need to Know | Phillip Smith

As of 12:01 a.m Saturday, legal adult marijuana sales begin in Nevada. And they will commence immediately, with dispensaries on the Las Vegas Strip announcing plans to be open to usher in Sin City’s newest attraction. But don’t go lighting up on the Strip! Smoking in public is not allowed. Nevada now joins Alaska, Colorado, […]

Legal Marijuana Sales in Nevada: 8 Things You Need to Know | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Nevada Governor Signs Legislation Amending Carboxy-THC Per Se Law

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Nevada Governor Signs Legislation Amending Carboxy-THC Per Se Law | NORML

CARSON CITY, NV — Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has signed legislation, Assembly Bill 135, amending the state’s traffic safety law so that it is no longer a per se offense for a driver to operate a motor vehicle with trace levels of carboxy-THC in his or her urine. Carboxy-THC is a non-psychoactive metabolite of THC that […]

Nevada Governor Signs Legislation Amending Carboxy-THC Per Se Law | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Nevada Judge Halts Early Start to Recreational Marijuana Sales

posted in: Cannabis News 1

Nevada Judge Halts Early Start to Recreational Marijuana Sales | Scott Gacek

CARSON CITY, NV — Nevada’s anticipated July 1 start to recreational marijuana sales could be delayed following a judge’s ruling earlier this week on a complaint from the alcohol industry. A district judge issued an order Tuesday banning the state’s Department of Taxation from enforcing a May 31 application deadline for medical marijuana dispensaries applying […]

Nevada Judge Halts Early Start to Recreational Marijuana Sales | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Thousands of Medical Marijuana Applications Leaked in Nevada

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Thousands of Medical Marijuana Applications Leaked in Nevada | TJ Baker

Personal data from thousands of people vying to work in Nevada‘s medical marijuana industry were leaked due to a glitch in the state’s website, which has now been taken offline until security can be restored. The bug exposed the full 8-page application from nearly 12,000 applicants to anyone with the right web address, according to ZDnet, […]

Thousands of Medical Marijuana Applications Leaked in Nevada | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Nevada Lawmaker Wants Recreational Marijuana Sales to Start ASAP

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Nevada Lawmaker Wants Recreational Marijuana Sales to Start ASAP | Scott Gacek

LAS VEGAS, NV — Voters in Nevada legalized marijuana on election day by passing Question 2,  allowing adults 21 and older to possess limited amounts of marijuana starting January 1, 2017. But under the measure, a state regulated recreational cannabis market wouldn’t open until 2018, giving state officials time to craft the rules and regulations to […]

Nevada Lawmaker Wants Recreational Marijuana Sales to Start ASAP | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Marijuana Wins Big: California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada Legalize; Medical Marijuana Sweeps 4 States; Arizona Only Defeat

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Marijuana Wins Big: California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada Legalize; Medical Marijuana Sweeps 4 States; Arizona Only Defeat | The Daily Chronic Staff

3:00 AM EST: Maine appears to have approved Question 1, legalizing marijuana for adults.  The measure, which had slowly been losing an early lead all evening, has pulled through with 50.6% of the vote and 87.1% of precincts reporting.  Earlier, voters in nearby Massachusetts approved their legalization measure as well. The only defeat of the […]

Marijuana Wins Big: California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada Legalize; Medical Marijuana Sweeps 4 States; Arizona Only Defeat | The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic

Cannabis School Teaches New York, Illinois, and Nevada Entrepreneurs

(PRWEB) December 03, 2014

The Cannabis Career continues teaching the nation about the industry in New York, Illinois, and Nevada. On December 7 classes will be available in Buffalo, New York at the Hampton Inn near the Buffalo Airport, in Chicago, Illinois near the Chicago O’Hare Airport and in Reno Nevada at the Hampton Inn and Suites.

As seen on High Times In New York the Compassionate Care Act was signed and initiated by Governor Cuomo in June. This makes the state the 23rd to legalize medical marijuana and over the next few months’ lawmakers will create regulations, producers, stores and more will be chosen and written to overlook the program. CNN announced Illinois Governor Quinn signed the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act went into effect on January 1 of this year. This act protects registered patients, caregivers, growers, and dispensers from arrest or denial of rights. Hemps Meds happily stated Nevada approved Question 9 this decriminalized medical marijuana use, possession and growing. Only those who have a qualifying debilitating medical condition under Nevada’s cannabis program have access to the medicine.

As the industry spreads across the nation the Cannabis Career Institute is preparing entrepreneurs to create successful companies nationwide. The classes are focused on educating students on the professional side of the cannabis industry. Experienced instructors provide a basic step-by-step course with all the tools for marketing, regulations and business models. Each class covers state’s unique laws, the history of cannabis, and much more with instructors with years of experience in the industry with answer to every question.

CCI continues to expand working with other advocacy groups offering information at classes, conventions, and online. To enroll into the institute there’s a one time all access fee of $ 299 with classes’ year around nationally. For more information and scheduling please call Robert Calkin 240.338.8785 or email: [email protected] To find out more about Cannabis Career Institute

Why Legal Pot Is Coming to Nevada

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nevada-welcomeIt was no great feat, but as I predicted last October, Colorado and Washington have legalized pot, and Nevada is now in danger of losing our rightful place as the capital of forbidden fun.

On his tourism blog, Arthur Frommer wrote last year that we could “expect a torrent of new tourism to Seattle and Denver.”

The media is all over it, with a recent story filled with enough dumb pot puns and jokes to merit an editor’s termination, including references to “smoke signals,” grilled cheese sandwiches and food trucks, and fears that the feds could “harsh the mellow.”

Medical marijuana is already legal here, and Thursday a Nevada legislative committee approved the creation of medical marijuana dispensaries.

And last week, the Nevada Legislature took up a bill to legalize recreational marijuana.  It’s not going anywhere, but I applaud the Assembly Judiciary Committee for giving it a hearing.

Here’s why: There’s a better-than-even chance that recreational pot will be legal in Nevada after the 2016 election.

Wait, what’s that? you ask.

Let me explain.

For the first time, the Pew Research Center, the highly respected nonpartisan polling outfit, found that a majority of Americans favor marijuana legalization.

This wasn’t all that surprising, however, because a majority favored legalization for the first time in a Gallup poll last year.

More striking than the raw numbers is the trend, which points to rising support for legalization.

In fact, as an insightful recent piece in Talking Points Memo pointed out, the trend seems to parallel support for gay marriage.

The movement on gay marriage, recall, has been caused by a massive demographic shift whereby younger voters overwhelmingly favor marriage equality.  Same with marijuana.  Stay calm: Before you freak out, fearing the young are sitting around getting high all day, keep in mind that 6.9 percent of the population report using marijuana regularly, according to the most recent data.  Yes, that’s up from 5.8 percent in 2007, but way down from a high of 13.2 percent in 1979.

The real driver of the surge in popularity for both gay marriage and legalization of marijuana is a rapid increase in what I’d call the “Who Cares?” Caucus.  These younger voters – 1 in 5 of all voters in November were ages 18 to 29 – just don’t see the big deal with gay marriage or legal pot.

Conservatives have begun to throw in the towel on gay marriage, but on pot, some of them are actually leading the way, including National Review magazine, the organ of the establishment right.

So the trend is clear, and now, legalization advocates are looking for their next round of target states.  ( Just how the feds will react to this remains to be seen; marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of Washington.  )

Morgan Fox, a spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, told me that the big prize is California, home to 38 million people and a cultural bellwether for the rest of the nation.

But Nevada is also at the top of the list, he said.  It’s not hard to figure out why – we’re libertarian when it come to vices and have been able to integrate them into our culture and economy while maintaining a sense of normalcy.  ( OK, not entirely, but you get the point.  )

The voters rejected legal pot in the past, but that was seven years ago.

The target year is 2016, when lazy Democrats will get off the couch to elect the first woman president in American history.

Again, it’s happening.

Legalizers should temper their joy.  Yes, this is the right policy.  It could raise tax revenue and keep people out of the vortex that is the legal system.

And surely Nevada’s creative minds will figure out how to capitalize on legal pot.

But, as with end of the prohibition of gambling and alcohol, we need to put the right policies in place to deal with the relevant issues, including increased marijuana consumption, crime, underage use, driving while intoxicated, addiction, etc.

These are not simple issues, and while ending prohibition will relieve certain problems, it will create others.

If we don’t get the policy right, we could wind up with prohibition again.

So, in a way, it’s good that we aren’t taking action yet.  We can watch Colorado and Washington state, which are both pretty rational, decently governed states.  Then we can follow their lead, learning from their successes and failures.

But we need to start figuring this out, because it’s happening.  And 2016 will be here quick.

Source: Las Vegas Sun (NV)
Copyright: 2013 Las Vegas Sun, Inc
Contact: [email protected]
Author: J. Patrick Coolican

Will Obama, Romney Clarify Their Positions on Medical Marijuana in Colorado Election Debate?

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Tags: marijuana legalization, obama on medical marijuana, presidential debates, romney on medical marijuana

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney will face off on live television in the first of several debates that could shape the upcoming election.

Medical marijuana professionals should tune in: The candidates will most certainly field questions about MMJ and cannabis legalization in general, given that the debate will be held in Denver.

Colorado has one of the largest medical marijuana industry’s in the country, home to more than 1,000 dispensaries, grow sites and infused-product manufacturers.  It also has a measure on the ballot this November asking voters to legalize the general use of marijuana.

Additionally, the debate is focused on domestic policy and will be held at a university, so you can bet that medical cannabis will be a particularly big topic.

The biggest question going into the debates, however, is will either candidate actually shed any new light on their vague positions regarding medical marijuana and cannabis legalization?

It’s possible but doubtful. Both Obama and Romney have been asked countless times about MMJ, and in most cases they sidestep the question or offer vague answers. In an interview Monday with the Denver Post, Romney said he opposes “marijuana being used for recreational purposes and I believe the federal law should prohibit the recreational use of marijuana.” But he didn’t directly address medical marijuana, though a campaign spokesman told the Washington Post today that Romney is against MMJ legalization.

Obama has been similarly vague about medical marijuana in recent interviews, and the current MMJ crackdown under his administration is uneven and unpredictable.

Both presidents, however, seem to be against the idea of general marijuana legalization. Romney has made it crystal clear that he would not allow that to happen under his watch. Obama, while less assertive on the issue, has indicated he doesn’t think it’s the proper path for the country to take. It unclear how the presidents would respond if an individual states such as Colorado legalizes cannabis use.

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