Michigan sees another dip in medical marijuana patients

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Michigan sees another dip in medical marijuana patients
A medical jar containing medical marijuana is seen next to small marijuana plants growing in a building near Michigan and 22nd Street days before Michigan's first Medical Marijuana Expo will take place this weekend. (Photo: Steve Perez / The Detroit News).
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With Diet Weed, Bethenny Frankel Ruins Marijuana
The former Real Housewives star turned Skinnygirl margarita queen is rumored to be cooking up her own strain of marijuana, one that (like her other products) will strive to help people stay thin. In the world of alcohol, this means less sugar and more …
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Does Legalization Make Marijuana-Detecting Dogs Obsolete?
Testifying before a House subcommittee last year, the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration warned that marijuana legalization is bad for dogs. DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart was talking about pets that inadvertently eat cannabis-infused snacks.
Read more on Reason (blog)