American hemp: Colorado biotech firm ramps up processing plans

American hemp: Colorado biotech firm ramps up processing plans
The hemp biorefinery is being established by Fort Lupton-based PureVision Technology, Inc., and illuminates the growing enthusiasm around hemp entrepreneurship. But the northern Colorado company's recent announcement also points to the ongoing …
Read more on The Cannabist

Nevada Senate Passes Limited Industrial Marijuana Farming Bill
Nevada senators have approved a measure allowing for colleges or the state agriculture department to grow industrial hemp. Lawmakers voted unanimously on Monday to approve Senate Bill 305. The bill now moves to the Assembly. Democratic Sen.
Read more on KTVN

Missouri House Committee Passes Bill to Legalize Hemp Farming, Effectively …

Vegetarian Body Builder Power Lifting champion Bill Pearl – Plant Based Protein Muscle Diet as in The China Study – Non Paleo – You were saying
How to grow Hemp
Image by Vegetarian-Vegan-Bodybuilding-Info
Vegetarian Body builder Bill Pearl. "The Original" PowerLifter. Five-Time Mister Universe. Huge massive strength using higher-quality tougher plant based human muscle.

Vegetarians are stronger and have higher-quality tougher muscle. Think about it, a Lion is your typical carnivore yet lions are "feline" which is feminine. Lions get tired easily, become exhausted under the slightest effort, and then have to sleep up to 20 hours a day. Male lions don’t even mainly hunt, hunting is done by ladies. When it comes to carnivores like lions, hunting is the job done by women, the job of female lions. The males are too exhausted and grow fatigued and then get tired and fall asleep after eating. Think about it, their eating meat makes them tired and they fall asleep, the food doesn’t make them have more Energy.

Lions slink around, they’re cats, which are carnivores. When it comes to muscle, lions are large in terms of cats, but are soft. Their muscles are soft, not ripped, or packed solid. Hardly any definition like a horse. Yes, even a horse has more definition and muscle than a lion. And remember, to give you an idea, what do we use to measure when we think of something with a lot of Power today? What do we use as the prime defining measure of a car engine that is immensely powerful? HORSE-POWER. Yes, that’s right! We don’t say how many ‘lion powers’ is your engine? It’d be silly. Because lions, which are carnivores aren’t very strong or powerful.

Rhinos are vegetarian. A rhinoceros can lift up and flip an entire jeep! A lion can’t even lift a car. Ever see one? Picture it. You probably can’t even see how it would even do it. It’d probably sniff it, paw pat it, or bite at it. Then lope away. Whereas a Rhino has 100% plant-based muscle and is so strong it could bull-ram that entire vehicle and dent it, and lift it and flip it over.

Even a cow is stronger. Bulls are cows. Even a bull’s neck muscles are so strong it can lift up a car or truck. The strongest land animal on the face of the earth is the Elephant. It grows to 12-24,000 pounds on plant based protein. Pretty good for the myth that there’s no protein in plants. There’s protein in plants. In fact, plants have more protein in them, than meat. This often dumb-founds lesser-educated steak eaters. Somehow this fact stupefies the meat-eaters brain. They falsely believe that meat is ‘a protein’, that steak contains protein, and that there’s no protein in plants. It’s funny! So they have no idea what to do when you tell them that an elephant grows to 12 to 24-thousand pounds full of protein, from the protein in plants. It eats plants. It eats protein. It has muscle. Not only some, but it’s the very definition of the most-powerful animal on the face of the planet. And every ounce of its muscle protein came from plants. Meat-eaters often get dumbfounded by this.

What happens next, is they try to come up with *something*, some reason concocted to explain it, like there must be some way the elephant is inventing protein though some magic ability it must have, like 4-stomachs. You’ll see that excuse given often. It’s funny but no. Elephants aren’t ruminants. Elephants have 1 stomach, like us! You can’t use the phony 4-stomachs, ruminant, herbivore, whatever excuse here. These are merely dreamt up false dead ends thought up by meat-eaters because they can’t figure out for the life of them that plants contain huge amounts of protein, even more than meat!

And it’s REALLY funny, when you get them to say that they think steak is the utmost, highest, best, most ultimate form of protein!….And then you point out Thanks! You just admitted the best source of protein is Plants! – This is usually followed by…"Huh?? What?". You see…every molecule of that protein, in that steak that the meat-eater just praised himself was the ultimate, came from plants! Cows don’t eat meat! So all that protein in a steak originated in plants to begin with!

The only difference is, steak-eaters are simply eating vegetarians’ "sloppy-seconds". Vegetarians are getting it fresher, and with more nutrients, in its original form. Meat eaters are eating things that have been in an animal’s mouth first. Essentially they put their food into the front of an animal, mixes it with the animals spit and whatever germs and bacteria are in its saliva and chewed up brownish green slime, then it sits in a stomach pouch where it smells awful, afterall, the stomach is the repository of vomit, then it comes out brown and semi-liquid from the other end. That’s what a meat and steak eater is doing. Vegetarians are simply getting the same protein, but more fresh, more original, cleaner, and more pristine, with all the original nutrients and enzymes that are destroyed by meat.

This is why a chimp has the power and 10-times the strength of a man. And think about it, think if you took the biggest human meat-eater bodybuilder, which currently stands around 200-300 pounds or so, and do this…Put them in a cage. And send in a SILVERBACK GORILLA. A Silverback Gorilla weighs upwards of 400, 500, 800 pounds! A Gorilla could beat the living tar out of any human in a natural fight. It’s far more muscular. It could rail and flap that meat-eater around like a rag-doll. Gorillas are vegan! They eat fruit! And…they aren’t herbivores or grass-eaters, they have 1 stomach, they are not ruminants, they are primates, with digestive systems just like us, they have so-called canine teeth inches longer than ours (which are used for Defense, not eating meat), and they are far stronger, bigger, weigh more, and more physically athletic, they share more than 98% DNA identical to us, and they get all their protein from fruit and could mop the floor with any bragging meat-head that thinks you have to eat steak to obtain protein.

Meat-eaters don’t know what to do after this. And then when you point out that virtually every single protein supplement in bodybuilding nutrition stores is vegetarian, they deny, refuse to believe, scoff, hem & haw, and then it’s pointed out to them that all of the protein powders for building muscle are made from WHEY (which is lacto-vegetarian), ALBUMIN (which is ovo-vegetarian) and SOY PROTEIN (which is vegan!). There’s also even Flax protein, Hemp protein, and more! There’s no pork-shakes, jugs of blood, beef flavored protein bars, chickenpills, or protein drinks with pieces of fish floating in it. At about this point, a meat-eating bodybuilder who always believed that the best protein for building muscle came from meat, gets a look on their face like when a dog tilts its head and looks confused when it hears a funny sound. Then they get mad, because they just found out that virtually ALL of the very top ultimate protein sources even those used by nearly every bodybuilder…are VEGETARIAN!

Think about it.

Missouri House Committee Passes Bill to Legalize Hemp Farming, Effectively …
It would also expressly legalize the commerce of hemp in the state, and not just the growth for research purposes as it being done in some states. And anyone with a hemp license would be able to grow and produce hemp crops as long as they are farming …
Read more on Tenth Amendment Center (blog)

Illinois Universities Now Allowed to Grow Hemp for Research – Bradley University

Bradley University’s Dr. Luke Haverhals, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, discusses his research on natural fibers and how hemp can be used for fiberglass in cars, building materials and many other sustainable products. #Hemp

Source: Chicago Tribune, Abel Uribe

Footage: Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Watch in HD!!

Hey Everybody,

this is basically my review on this product please enjoy! 🙂

Disclaimer: this is my honest opinion on this product, i purchased this product with my own money i am not being paid to review this product

How to Grow Parsley

Sunny bright spaces are the best place for growing parsley. The ideal windowsill garden or spot in the herb patch for herbs to grow faces south. It grows very well in containers if you lack the room for a large gardening area.

Growing from seed
According to plant folklore, parsley must go to the devil and back seven times before it will come up. No matter what technique is used, germination of seeds on average takes two weeks. Some gardeners soak seeds overnight before planting to speed up the process. After soaking, plant in a potting mix and keep soil moist. Cover the seeds with newspaper or plastic to seal in moisture. Keep the potted seeds in a warm place to foster growth. Seed germination takes from 12 days to two weeks. Feed seedlings weekly with a half strength solution of 20-20-20.

Plant seedlings in the garden when they reach around 4 inches tall. Spacing between rows should be 12-20 inches. Leave a space of 8 to 12 inches between plants. Plant at a depth of ¼ inch. Plants per person to have plenty on hand are 2-3.

Growing Conditions
Parsley is a cool weather plant and heat and rain can take a toll on its growth. The secret to growing year round is to move it to a filtered sun location during hot weather and shelter it in the rainy season. Too much rain through the summer months causes the root system to rot and the plant to decline. It may still lose leaves after moving it but it will survive.

* Plant fall-spring.
* Plant in a permanent location; plants will often grow for several seasons.
* Makes a good plant for hanging baskets or pots.
* Parsley is tolerant of light freezes and frosts.
* Full sun is best but 4-6 hours of sunshine will yield a great harvest.
* Turn plants ever so often for all sides to receive equal amounts of sunlight.
Soil condition
* Herbs grown in ground need a well-prepared garden bed. Fertilize the herb garden with a 6-6-6 just before planting.
* Check pH level. Most herbs like a pH range of 6.0to 7.0.
* Keep soil moist; mulch to stretch the time between watering and to keep soil off the leaves.
Tips on Growing Parsley
* For windowsill gardening, move declining plants outdoors to rejuvenate.
* Several kinds of caterpillars find parsley a tasty snack. A good pest control measure if only a few caterpillars are present is to remove the pests by hand. If the insect population is a big problem, Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide.
* Frequently cut sprigs and leaves to encourage growth to continue.
* Feed indoor plants sparingly every three to four weeks.
* Use a 20-20-20 fertilizer every week when growing outdoors.
Water condition
* Check daily for moisture.
* Water when soil begins to dry.
* Container grown parsley may need to be watered everyday during summer.

It is generally 70-90 days from seed too harvest. This herb is ready for harvesting as soon as leaves reach a usable size. Pick individual leaves as needed. Many gardeners consider parsley a vegetable rather than an herb. Whichever you call it, growing basil successfully is a sign you are about to turn garden pro because it takes moderate gardening experience to grow.

For more tips on gardening and growing herbs,visit our website herb gardening tips

More How To Grow Hemp Articles

How to Grow Taller

Those gifted with a handsome height will never understand the gravity of the situation here. It is for shorter people who crave and yearn for few more inches. Though many drugs and books claim that they have the secret on how to grow taller, but none is fool-proof as yet. Nonetheless, this does not mean the end of story! Many natural ways can give a boost to your height if practiced religiously.


It is vital to keep your bodily hormone production active, which is ensured by exercise. Soon after you finish exercising, your body produces Nitric Oxide and adrenalin. This time the body is in rest mode and produces growth hormones while it is hydrated. Hence, do not let your body get dehydrated for it will reduce the hormone production otherwise.


Any kind of stretching, whether it is with arms or legs, will give you extra inches. When you stretch hanging by arms or legs, it makes your spine muscles stretch and this boosts your height over a span of few months. Thus, the matter is not how to grow taller, but when to put efforts.

Vertical jumps:

Vertical jumping improves your height by ensuring the flexibility in your muscles. Stronger legs are an additional point you need to focus upon. This can be done by long leg presses, stretches and leg curls. Even the traditional old jumping rope can be a good remedy for stronger legs. Every day ten minutes will be enough for augmenting your height raise regimen.

Eat Healthy:

Apart from everything else, how to grow taller has one shot answer: diet. It spruces up your energies to make you exercise well and produce necessary growth hormones. Hence, eat healthy green vegetables and whole grains. Too much fatty diet can spoil your hormone production resulting in poor growth.

Sleep well:

The pituitary gland reaches its pinnacle after an hour of slumber. This gland is responsible for your height and hence, to make it work, you should be asleep for eight to ten hours a day. It is called healthy if a person can get deep slumber, thus allowing the pituitary gland to work.


It is widely suggested to squat for a while every day to keep yourself in shape. Beyond shape, it also helps in increasing your height. However it should always be done with great caution as overdoing this exercise will ruin the effect.


To go swimming often is effective for pumping those extra inches you covet. This relaxes your muscles and long strokes make every inch of your body stretch comfortably. This keeps your weight also under check and proves harmless otherwise. So, instead of thinking how to grow taller, start enjoying the course.

All exercises at once are not viable rather one at a time can be good. This will allow you to allocate ample time for bodily activity while improving your hormonal production. And though it may seem difficult to answer the ‘how to grow taller’ issue, but we still have ways; naturally!

Do you want to grow taller? Please visit following site to know more.

More How To Grow Hemp Articles

In Review: Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp and Tamanu Strengthen and Grow Moisturizing Co-Wash

Read additional deets below please! 🙂

I purchased this product from my local CVS. Please contact the company for additional information on where to find the product (the line has also been seen at Target and Walgreens).

Ingredients: Deionized water, coconut oil, shea butter, mango seed butter, cetyl esters, kaolin clay, grapeseed oil, jojoba seed oil, behentrimonium chloride, hemp seed oil, tamanu oil, aloe vera extract, panthenol, bamboo extract, tiare flower, essential oil blend, garlic extract, willow bark extract, neem oil, sorbitol esters, vitamine e, sea salt, rosemary, caprylyl glycol

Pros: Softens hair/smell/great detangler/great slip
Cons: Difficult to completely cleanse (my) hair in one wash, namely in the front
Verdict: I will most likely buy this product again, but will not add it to my HG list b/c of the requirement of washing my hair twice.


FTC: This video is not sponsored. Product was purchased with my own money. NEW Twitter!! – @QFTPC
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Hey loves! in this video I review the Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu collection which includes the:

Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Strengthen & Grow Shampoo
Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Fortification Treatment Masque
Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Strengthen & Grow Moisturizing CoWash
Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Grow & Strengthen Herbal Custard
Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Grow & Strengthen Edge Taming Taffy
Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Strengthen & Grow Moisturizing Curl Gel

You can find these products at Walgreens, CVS, Target, and the

Winners- CityChic4Life, Vanessa Villegas-Woods, Le Anne Boohene

Check out my 2nd channel

Thank you. I love you for watching. Visit my website!

Information about my entire look in this video…

HAIR – My Hair is in a wash n go (Tutorial coming soon!)

To apply my makeup I use Sigma brushes, I have the Mr. Bunny Collection Save 10% with code FALL2013 (If you watch this video after the code has expired, just send me a message and I will give you a new code. I am an affiliate and I get new codes every month.

Eyeshadow: I used 5 colors from the Lorac Pro Palette
Eyeliner: Maybelline Eyestudio gel eyeliner – blackest black
Mascara: Revlon 3D Photoready & Bare Essentials BUXOM
Brows: Anastasia Brow Wiz – Brunette

FACE (tutorial
Primer: MAC Prep + Prime
Foundation: CoverGirl All Day Flawless 3-in-1 Rich Mink
Setting Powder: MUFE Duo Mat – 218 (this is a foundation)
Blush: MAC Stubborn

Lip Liner: MAC Currant
Lipstick: MAC Rebel

Top: Rainbow


A few videos you may want to watch

My 2nd Big Chop! –
My hair regimen-
My product collection! –
How I Pre-Poo –
How I Deep Condition-
How I do Hot Oil Treatments-
How I detangle-
My Post Partum Shedding-
My Skin Care Secret-
My Styling Tutorials-
Newly Natural Support Videos –

Stay Connected with me
Visit my website!
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Instagram: blakizbeautyful http://instagram/blakizbeautyful

About Me:
My name is Jenell Stewart. I am Liberian. I live in Brooklyn, NY, with my hubby and my munchkin! I have a Masters in Special Education. I am the founder and Editor in Chief of I love to laugh! I did my 1st big chop on March 26, 2010 and my 2nd big chop on Aug 21, 2013. I did not transition. My favorite product line is SheaMoisture.
My Camera: Canon PowerShot SX40 12.1 – Megapixel Digital Camera

FTC: These products were sent to me to review for Free. These are my honest opinions. I have no reason to be dishonest.

“Jenell Stewart” BlakIzBeautyful “natural hair” “do it yourself” “how to” “how to do” “hair tutorial” TWA “Small Afro” “short natural hair” “short hair” “easy styles for natural hair” “quick natural hair styles” simple quick styles black haircare makeup products “beauty tips” 4b “flat twist” thick “thick hair” KinkyCurlyCoilyMe “long natural hair” “Shea Moisture” “natural hair journey” Style Natural “black women” “long natural hair” “protective style” “beauty guru” “beauty blogger” “Tapered Natural Hair”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Virginia Tech to research production, use, and economic impact of industrial hemp

Virginia Tech to research production, use, and economic impact of industrial hemp
vtech-logo Virginia Tech will be able to begin research on growing industrial hemp in the commonwealth as a result of a new state law and the establishment of an industrial hemp research program by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer …
Read more on Augusta Free Press

Bill to Legalize Hemp Farming, Nullify Federal Ban, Passes Washington House …
…allows State Agriculture Departments, colleges and universities to grow hemp, defined as the non-drug oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis, for academic or agricultural research purposes, but it applies only to states where industrial hemp farming …
Read more on Tenth Amendment Center (blog)

How Hemp Could End Our Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Hemp has been given a bad name over the years.  A close cousin of marijuana, it has been demonised by the mainstream media, and many believe it to be just another psychedelic drug.  In reality, industrial hemp contains less than 1% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, and has far more uses than any other organic material.  Hemp can be converted into biomass and used to produce energy in a similar way that we currently use charcoal.  It has also shown incredible advantages over petrol when converted into biofuel, and is a clean, renewable source of energy that actually protects our environment.

Hemp is grown throughout Europe and Asia, and is used to produce a wide range of materials including clothing, paper, oil, and biodegradable plastic.  It has also shown many advantages over crops currently used as fuel, and researchers found that 97% of hemp oil can be converted into biodiesel.  It is also much more efficient to cultivate as it requires no fertiliser or pesticides, and actually nourishes the soil between harvests.  After the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant disaster in 1986, hemp was planted in the surrounding fields to remove radioactive contamination from the soil.  It can also convert Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen at a much faster rate than trees, so it makes a much more attractive option when it comes to the environment.

The exciting thing about hemp is that it has the potential to completely release us of our dependence on fossil fuels for energy, and drastically reduce the amount of pollution released into the atmosphere.  It is a renewable source of energy that can replicate all the products that we currently rely on petroleum to produce such as engine fuel, plastics, paint, and car tires.  It is also a completely sustainable source of fuel, and hemp farms can even operate on the same fuel that they produce.  Hemp is already grown to manufacture all types of products, and the seeds from which biofuel is created are usually discarded.  This means there is already a huge untapped source of hemp biofuel right in front of us, and the opportunity to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels has been available all along.

China is currently the world’s largest producer of hemp, and has been using it for manufacturing purposes for over ten thousand years.  America imports more hemp products than any other country in the world, but the cultivation of hemp remains illegal throughout most of the country. Both of these nations are currently the world leaders in oil consumption, and contribute the most pollution into our atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels.  If these great nations fully embraced the potential of hemp biofuel, we could reverse global warming whilst creating a clean, renewable source of energy for generations to come.

Sam Jones’s sister was quite upset when her boiler broke and realised she hadn’t taken out boiler insurance to cover the cost of getting it repaired.

“Oh Yeah, I’ve been meaning to Thank You because not only has my hair grown from the hemp oil but it also has shrunken my uterine fibroids. It used to be the size of a grapefruit now its the size of a tangerine, this stuff is Amazing, Thanks Again Jo!!! ” ~ConnectedToMeNow

Study below explains the medicinal benefits of Hemp Seed Oil.

If you cannot get your hands on rick simpson oil try the hemp oil from your health food store. I took hemp oil, in just one month my skin brightened as if reverse aging was taking place. When you start taking hemp oil the trick is to watch your hands, your hands are the key indicator as to if the oil is working. The skin between your thumb and finger on the back of your hand should be soft and smooth if you have the correct levels of cancer preventing essential fatty acids such as Hemp ”Seed” Oil

I would advise anyone to read this study

Read about the Budwig cancer cure,biologist called Budwig, managed to cure a lady by using Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese – NO chemotherapy
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Universities are high on growing hemp

Universities are high on growing hemp
In Illinois, the law says state institutions with four-year agriculture degrees may cultivate hemp under the auspices of the State Department of Agriculture. Several states that have “ditch weed” growing wild are not on the list, notably Oklahoma and …
Read more on High Plains Journal

Hemp Plants Would Be Legal Under PA Senate Bill
A state legislator from a much more rural portion of Pennsylvania wants to make it legal for farmers to grow industrial hemp. State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) said the level of THC, which gives cannabis its psychoactive effect, is so much lower than …
Read more on 90.5 WESA

Hemp bill gains support

Hemp bill gains support
“It is extremely difficult for researchers to study hemp in Minnesota,” said George Weiblen, a plant biology professor at the University of Minnesota. “At the present time, it is not possible for farmers to grow hemp in Minnesota as a commercial crop.”.
Read more on Minnesota Daily

Senate approves growing hemp for research purposes
A bill that would allow the growth of hemp for research and development purposes cleared the Senate on Monday afternoon. The legislation would allow researchers, most likely at New Mexico State University, to grow hemp for research purposes.
Read more on New Mexico Political Report

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