Please like and subscribe! Also check out ‘The Colorado Cannabis Rush’ (, ‘Cannabis Prohibition: A War on the People’ (…), ‘Cannabis Prohibition: The End of an Era’ (…), ‘Canadian Cannabis Politics: Don’t Decriminalize, Legalize’ (, & my other documentaries!
*This video is intended for activist and educational purposes. Any copyrighted material is the property of its creators and is used under the fair dealing provisions of the ‘Canadian Copyright Act’ and the American ‘Fair Use Act’. Video Rating: 4 / 5
John from shares with you how you can grow your own organic cannabis indoors. In this episode, John gets his medical cannabis card to use and grow medicinal cannabis aka marijuana per prop 215 in the state of California.
In this episode you will learn where john will choose to get his “medicine” and then you will go in a behind-the-scenes tour of a North Coast Naturals, a medicinal cannabis collective (farm). You will learn many of the practices they use to grow organic cannabis successfully.
You will discover the specific soil blend they use, as well as the solid nutrients as well as liquid organic nutrients they use as well as the different organic pest controls they use to keep their cannabis “clean” of prohibited and toxic chemical pesticides and fungicides.
You will learn some of the alternatives to using avid and floramite and some of the potential dangers of using these chemicals on your crops.
You will also discover how North Coast Naturals stays legal by growing the number of plants allowable under law but still reaping maximum yields by specially training and pruning the cloned plants, using special pvc trellis structures and maximizing the canopy of each plant to maximize the numbers of buds they are producing. You will also discover how they naturally air dry their harvest to get maximum air circulation, and dry to maximize the effects of the medicine they are growing in this California legal growing establishment.
This is part 1 of 3 episodes. Please subscribe to be notified when the other episodes are up. Video Rating: 4 / 5
the most blurry time of my life ahahhaha
such a great time in Denver! met some dope people, smoked like crazy, and got some dope footage.
thank you for watching !
( I do not own this music)
mac miller – loud – best day ever
deltron 3030 – instrumentals
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@dope_as_yola @stoner_dottie and @pushtrees Video Rating: 4 / 5
Kiffen erlaubt, besitzen verboten? Gegen das paradoxe deutsche Cannabis-Verbot wächst der Widerstand
Cannabis fällt in Deutschland unter das Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Daraus geht hervor: Konsumieren ist erlaubt, aber Besitz, Handel und Anbau von Cannabis sind verboten. Hartnäckig hält sich das Gerücht, dass kleine Mengen dabei strafrechtlich geduldet würden. Tatsächlich liegt die Grenze des Gesetzes aber bei Null. Die berühmt berüchtigte „geringfügige“ Menge“ kann lediglich dazu führen, dass das Verfahren eingestellt wird – und in den meisten Fällen findet das auch statt. Darauf kann man sich aber nicht verlassen, denn die Entscheidung liegt im Ermessen des jeweiligen Staatsanwalts. Es ist noch nicht einmal einheitlich geregelt, bis wie viel Gramm die Justiz von einer „geringfügigen“ Menge ausgeht. Das unterscheidet sich von Bundesland zu Bundesland und kann zwischen 6 und 15 Gramm liegen. Die rechtliche Situation in Deutschland ist also ziemlich paradox, und sogar Polizei und Juristen protestieren dagegen.
Selbst wer Cannabis nicht besessen, sondern nur konsumiert hat, kann in Deutschland durchaus in Schwierigkeiten geraten. Zum Beispiel im Straßenverkehr: Auch wenn jemand so wenig Cannabis geraucht hat, dass er nicht berauscht ist, kann die Polizei ihm den Führerschein abnehmen. Laut Gesetz begeht jeder, der unter dem Einfluss von Betäubungsmitteln ein Kraftfahrzeug führt, eine Ordnungswidrigkeit, die mit Fahrverbot und Geldbuße bestraft werden muss. Aber wann steht man noch unter dem Einfluss der Droge und wann nicht mehr? Die Polizei macht das nicht an der Wirkung fest, sondern beispielsweise am THC-Gehalt im Blut. THC aber hält sich mehr als 12 Stunden im Blut und von einer berauschenden Wirkung ist dann nicht mehr auszugehen. Bislang fehlen Grenzwerte und Messtechniken, die hier den tatsächlichen Einfluss des Cannabis zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt sicher feststellen könnten.
Nicht nur in Kiffer-Kreisen, auch unter Staatsanwälten, Richtern und Jura-Professoren findet die bisherige Regelung wenige Freunde. Vertreter eben dieser Berufsgruppen haben sich deshalb im Schildower Kreis zusammengeschlossen. Sie halten das Cannabis-Verbot für schädlich und verfassungswidrig. Ihr Argument: In Deutschland muss ein Verbot dem Prinzip der Verhältnismäßigkeit entsprechen. Das ist im Grundgesetz so vorgeschrieben und bedeutet, dass ein Verbot „geeignet“, „erforderlich“ und „angemessen“ sein muss. Im Fall von Cannabis seien alle drei Aspekte nicht erfüllt, behaupten die Experten.
Viele Kritiker bezweifeln, dass das Cannabis-Verbot im Sinne des Grundgesetzes überhaupt als Verbot „geeignet“ ist. Ziel des Gesetzes sei es schließlich, den Konsum zu reduzieren und tatsächlich würde dies nicht erreicht. Die Experten berufen sich auf Studien, die die Auswirkungen von Verboten auf die Konsumzahlen untersucht haben sowie auf ein Programm der Vereinten Nationen zur Drogenbekämpfung von 1998. Ergebnis auch dieser Studie: Zehn Jahre nach Beginn hatte sich der Konsum durch Repressionen nicht verändert. Das Cannabis-Verbot ist laut Kritikern auch nicht „erforderlich“. Nach unserer freiheitlichen Grundordnung entspreche „erlaubt“ der Standard-Einstellung. Diese Freiheit dürfe nur mit dem „mildesten Mittel“ eingeschränkt werden. Bei Alkohol zum Beispiel gelten Auflagen zum Alter oder Sanktionen für Autofahrten unter Alkoholeinfluss. Gebe es auch solche alternativen rechtlichen Möglichkeiten, sei ein Verbot nicht das mildeste Mittel. Auch bei Cannabis sind laut Experten solche Auflagen denkbar, so dass man, wie bei Alkohol, auch hier ohne ein offizielles Verbot auskommen könnte.
Juristen kritisieren am Cannabis-Verbot auch, dass es nicht „angemessen“ sei und der staatlichen Gemeinschaft mehr schade als nütze. So würden Konsumenten Opfer von Beschaffungskriminalität, die Prohibition fördere den Schwarzmarkt und die Strafverfolgung verschlinge Milliardenbeträge, die beispielsweise in der Drogenprävention besser aufgehoben wären. Mittlerweile haben sich auch Staatsanwälte sowie die Polizeigewerkschaft in den Kreis der Prohibitions-Gegner gereiht. Bisher aber haben die Kritiker des deutschen Cannabis-Verbots ihr Ziel noch nicht erreicht. Im Jahre 1994 hatte das Bundesverfassungsgericht die Vereinbarkeit mit dem Grundgesetz schon einmal zu prüfen – das Verbot wurde bestätigt.
Jamaica poised to relax cannabis laws
The bill would establish a cannabis licensing authority to deal with the regulations needed to cultivate, sell and distribute the herb for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes. “We need to position ourselves to take advantage of the significant … Read more on The Guardian
Cannabis sex lube fliers have Aspen officials hot and bothered
Customers line up outside the Native Roots cannabis store Friday in Aspen. The store promoted a cannabis-infused sexual lubricant for women, called Foria, and offered $ 1 bottles of the spray to the first 100 women in the store Friday. Lauren … Read more on Aspen Times
10 Cannabis Startups That Have Raised Over Million (Besides Privateer)
Legal cannabis gained a higher profile recently, after Seattle pot-investment firm Privateer Holdings closed a $ 75 million funding round. The deal included the first mainstream venture capital involvement in the sector, from Peter Thiel's Founders Fund. Read more on Forbes
Cannabis cultivating spirit of Aspen mainstream
The night was organized by Munch and Co., an event-production firm in Denver; Cultivating Spirits, a Silverthorne-based company that offers cannabis pairings, wine tastings and grow tours; and Native Roots, a company with multiple dispensaries in … Read more on Aspen Daily News
It is not unusual to see on web sites that sell cannabis seeds legally, where they will advertise feminized seeds along with their products. Not only that, it will be typically 2-3 times the price of regular seeds. So the next obvious question is, why would somebody want to buy something that costs much more? The answer is simple, feminized seeds guarantee a female cannabis crop. Why this obsession towards female crops?
Well there are two genders for marijuana plants like some other species of plants. The male plant will also grow flowers which will in turn fertilize the female plants, which will produce seeds. If you were to buy an ordinary pack of seeds, it will be a mix of both male and female plants. You will not know for sure until you plant them and they start growing into adult plants. The way how feminine seeds are produced is, they “shock” the plants with a special solution called a silver solution, this will “force” the plants to produce only feminized seeds, that will in turn grow up to be female plants.
There are two main reasons why growers want the female plants. Firstly the male plants will not produce enough THC which is the active compound that makes marijuana desirable to users. It is the female plants that have high amounts of THC, therefore making it a much more desired and valued as a crop. Secondly if you grow a mixture of male and female plants, you will have to identify the male plants as quickly as possible, before they fertilize the female plants. The reason this is crucial is because once the female plants are fertilized, the buds will grow smaller and will start to produce seeds. If they are not fertilized, that means the buds will grow bigger, and therefore more useful for the grower.
So the next time you grow a crop, you will not have to deal with the headache of identifying the male plants and can have the peace of mind knowing that they will all grow up to be large bud producing female plants.
Paco Lanciato is a cannabis seeds breeder of the Ministry of Cannabis – Join WeedmapsTV as we celebrate the 4/20 Holiday and explore what was a historic two day High Times US Cannabis Cup in Denver, Colorado. Meet some of the people responsible for growing the most beautiful flowers, extracting some of the best concentrates, and making the best new products!
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There has been quite a lot of talk about the differences between male and female cannabis plants recently. Most people have no idea what is being talked about with this topic, however if you want to start a successful home based growing operation (which requires no outside input) having a feminized cannabis seed on hand will always ensure that the offspring of your existing plants is maintained.
Because of the higher pricing for feminized cannabis plants, we wanted to look at the best possible option for those who have an existing cannabis operation and are looking to expand. Being self-serving in this regard not only lowers the cost of the operation (because you dont need to keep buying seeds from suppliers), but it also allows you to grow your favourite varieties and create hybrid plants which suit your exact tastes.
Creating Your Own Hybrid Variation
Without going in to too much depth regarding how cross fertilization occurs in plants, we do want to touch on the topic of creating hybrids from feminized cannabis seeds. Essentially, if you want to create your own hybrid, you need to cross fertilize two different varieties to get the end result.
This is all there is to it. If you have bought hybrid seeds off the internet before, you are actually buying the end product of two crossed varieties of cannabis seeds. But this doesnt explain why you need a feminized cannabis seed to complete the process. Lets take a look at that now.
Why Feminized Cannabis Seeds are Important
Selecting a feminized cannabis seed is important much the same as choosing a real life partner is important for procreating. Ultimately, plants reproductive systems are based on the same theory as that of a human being, and the female plant needs to be fertilized by the male. These days, the majority of top yielding cannabis plants are male, and in some cases an entire garden will consist of male plants only.
Therefore, it is important that If you are looking to make your own hybrids or do your own cross breeding, you have a feminized cannabis seed on hand to help out.
Cost of Feminized Cannabis Seeds
Because feminized versions of cannabis seeds are slightly rarer, the cost of these types of seeds will vary in the medium to upper ranges.
Many people find that when they buy a feminized cannabis seed, they will be informed of the following:
Price of $ 100 to $ 400 for the seeds.
Sometimes the seeds are out of stock for many weeks at a time.
Some suppliers dont stock specific types of feminized cannabis seeds due to their rarity.
Despite all of this, you are able to get your hands on some fantastic quality feminized cannabis seeds from online suppliers who will not charge you the world. Our advice would be to shop around to find the best possible deal each and every time you look to buy, as prices can change rapidly and without warning., with its hot deals and special offers never fail to win hearts of its customers who often rely on them for timely delivery of good quality Female Cannabis Seeds , Feminized Cannabis Seeds and Single Feminized Cannabis Seeds.
One of the most viable and varied sources of hemp are the cannabis seeds . They are one such seeds which contain a good amount of minerals and elements, which when combined with other ingredients can be consumed ion the form of food. The content of omega three and omega six in the seeds make it the most valuable.
The best part of planting this seed is that it grows very fast and at a good speed. One must be quite prudent in selecting the type of seeds that are available. While selecting the seeds one must go for low cost seeds and with a variety of useful fiber. So as to mature, this plant takes around two months at the most.
There are various usages of hemp. One such use is that of clothing. Besides this, there are also various medicinal usages of this herb. It helps in alleviating chronic pain, helps in reducing air sickness etc. It may also be helpful in treating cancer as well. In short the nutritious value is equivalent to the nutritious value of selective foods that are high in protein and vitamins.
Scientific researches point out the fact that oil induced from the can also effectively help in curbing aging to some extent. As compared to other products, this organic oil is found to be more effective. However, this plant is not grown commercially. That is to say while growing this plant they do not use any fertilizer or pesticides. And as a result this plant is the most organic that you will find on earth.
The serves you with an occasion to obtain a look at the latest developments in the world of products of marijuana seeds. Making the people aware of the advantages of this plant is essential as it will encourage the cultivation of the plant for its medicinal uses.
Tom has found these benefits of cannabis seeds from the various searches
Cannabis Inc. – Is the Cannabis industry about to become the new Big Tobacco?
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Today Washington State becomes the second state to fully legalise marijuana. As the change in law approaches, a new wave of slick entrepreneurs are set to cash in on a post-prohibition boom.
“For so long the branding and marketing in this space has been all about using the colour green and putting pot leaves on everything”, bemoans Michael Blue, one third of private equity firm Privateer Holdings. “No one is looking at this and treating it like a professional industry.” But all that is about to change. As Seattle prepares to embrace State legislation that will make it part of America’s biggest social experiment since it banned the purveyance of alcohol in the 1920s, the young and market-savvy are busy polishing sales strategies and coining new brands for retail release. Unlike the folkloric pot dealers of the past, however, they’ve ditched the hippie clothes, rasta plaits and ponytails for thousand-dollar suits, business plans, and MBAs. “This industry is not about singing Kumbaya in a drum circle and smoking a few joints”, claims Dr. Kevin Sabet, former drug policy adviser to President Obama. “It’s about businessmen in suits making billions.” He worries that beneath the appetising flow of cannabis tax dollars to under-funded public schools and hospitals, a new Big Tobacco is being created. With exclusive access to his campaign, this report looks at whether the move is an expression of civil liberty, or if the system is slowly going to pot.
ABC Australia – Ref. 6168
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Image by Duncan Brown (Cradlehall)
Don’t tell the police, but we’re growing cannabis in our garden!
However, it’s all accidental, as we haven’t planted it ourselves. Instead we reckon it must come in the packets of bird food that we put out on the bird table.
No wonder the birds are flying high! Sorry, awful pun!
1 Charge Dropped against Minnesota Mom Who Gave Son Cannabis Oil
A judge has dismissed one of two charges against a Minnesota woman who gave her son cannabis oil for chronic pain. Judge Thomas Van Hon tossed out a charge of child endangerment against Angela Brown of Madison. Brown still faces a charge of … Read more on