The Real Reason why Marijuana is Illegal & Ron Paul’s Industrial Hemp Bill – Daily DOOOOOM 020

posted in: Industrial Hemp 14

A new bill was presented to congress by Ron Paul… to make industrial hemp legal. This is a no brainer. There are so many uses for industrial hemp. This is the reason it is illegal, not because you can smoke it. I fully support medicinal marijuana but I support industrial hemp, moreso.

Maybe this episode should have been #420, but that’s a long time from now.

Statement Introducing the Industrial Hemp Farming Act, HR 1831

Seven Great Uses for Hemp

Why is Marijuana Illegal?

Why is Marijuana Illegal?

Harry J Anslinger

Obama’s Sudden, Senseless Assault on Medical Marijuana

14 Responses

  1. Donny McIvor
    | Reply

    DOOOOOOM!!! Is too loud and unnecessary, however great vid considering.

  2. tleemo1
    | Reply

    @realhiphop087 Yeah man there’s no way you can forget about big pharma
    because they’re the biggest opponent to legal MJ. Altogether they’re
    something like a quarter trillion dollar a year industry and have a force
    of well payed lobbyists who work hard swaying politicians to pass and to
    not pass the laws that favor their business interests. Their biz is selling
    a different pill for every different illness and since MJ can be used for
    so many things they’d see a big loss in sales if it were legal

  3. tpaylor84
    | Reply

    They want us to be broke and kill ourselves, the outlaw anything that will
    help us but sell alcohol and cigarettes that are known killers

  4. vsop209
    | Reply

    Rick costel is the dumbest person in the world!! How could u type that!! I
    know ur against hemp!! Aka cannabis!” Thats how uneducated u are!!

  5. Rick Ever
    | Reply


  6. Kel-chan
    | Reply

    don’t matter- once the us economy collapses we’ll be free to make everything

  7. Emer L
    | Reply

    Not 2 be an instigator but lawis made by man and can be undo by man…its
    jus about who has the more guns

  8. NewWorldStoner
    | Reply

    Isn’t hemp the male plant, Marijuana the female plant?

  9. MisterBoneman
    | Reply

    @ciderspy marijuana and hemp are the same plant. Each are grown to favor
    the genetics that are wanted. Rope and strength fibers and medicinal
    properties and clothing are three different types of marijuana. All could
    be called hemp. Some guys still call it hemp (Old? How old IS he? His high
    school picture was a cave drawing) I understand your point, but, not your

  10. drebone777
    | Reply

    I hope u make more videos

  11. TheDailyDoom
    | Reply

    @ciderspy You are right, but wrong. The unmodified hemp plant flowers and
    you can smoke it… although, industrial hemp can be harvested in a way in
    which is doesn’t flower. So you are right, you can’t smoke that…. but the
    reason marijuana/hemp is illegal is because of all of the products that
    interfere with very powerful industries… not because you can get high on

  12. Steve Dicus
    | Reply

    I live next to paper company land and also drive through several miles of
    paper company land to get to work. They plant pine trees after they clear
    cut the native hardwoods, it’s ugly as hell and it’ll be another decade or
    two before they can harvest again. I would LOVE to see hemp planted across
    that land. DOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

  13. a4finger
    | Reply

    good video

  14. Butterman VEVO
    | Reply

    Is Ron Paul legalizing just Hemp, or Hemp and Sativa alike?

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