Alaska Bill Would Effectively Nullify Federal Ban on Hemp Farming

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Hemp Energy Drink
Image by The Rocketeer
A strange brew found in Ulura, Australia. I don’t think it has any hemp in it, however.

Alaska Bill Would Effectively Nullify Federal Ban on Hemp Farming
A bill set for introduction in the Alaska State Senate would allow the farming, production, and sale of industrial hemp in the state, effectively nullifying the federal prohibition on the same once put into effect. Senate Bill 8 (SB8) was introduced by …
Read more on Tenth Amendment Center (blog)

UPDATED PHOTO RELEASE — Hemp, Inc. and Its Decorticating Plant Featured
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The San Francisco Chronicle, a newspaper serving California's Bay Area, featured Hemp, Inc. (OTC:HEMP) and its decortication line in a recent article entitled, "An End to Exile: Hemp's Bright American …
Read more on GlobeNewswire (press release)

Islands' First 'Hemp Home' to Be Built on Maui
According to proponents, hemp is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional building materials, and has a negative carbon footprint due to its tendency to absorb carbon dioxide during manufacturing. Rixey will be installing Hempcrete in the …
Read more on Maui Now

Hemp Diapers Information

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It is necessary for you to learn about hemp diaters whether you are expecting a baby in the next few months or not, due to anticipating environmental initiatives and promising economic ventures.


Hemp has the potential to revolutionize the entire clothing industry just as it has rendered old diaper designs and manufacturing methods completely obsolete. By no means is it a radical new discovery, hemp has been cultivated since approximately 8000 B.C., and botanists have understood hemp’s distinction from its psycho-active cousin, marijuana, since they first taxonomized the cannabis family. Botanists wisely dubbed hemp “useful cannabis.” Farmers and manufacturers are just beginning to recognize how amazingly useful hemp may become.


Hemp diapers provide agronomists and economists with tools for estimating hemp’s potential. Rigorous testing and everyday use both confirm what wise homemakers always already have known about hemp: Anything cotton can do, hemp can do better. Against every measure of fibers’ quality, hemp substantially outperforms cotton. When farmers recognize hemp’s potential as a cash crop, hemp easily could replace cotton as the world’s most popular fiber. Acre for acre, hemp yields far more fiber than cotton with far less labor. And, because hemp requires very little cultivation and absolutely no pesticide, it costs considerably less to produce than cotton. Hemp’s profit margin dwarfs cotton’s. Far more importantly over the long term, hemp does not deplete the soil, whereas cotton ravages it. Because hemp ranks among Nature’s most durable fibers, it recycles almost indefinitely, yet it also degrades relatively quickly, making it the ideal compostable fiber.


Given hemp’s profound impact on diaper manufacturing and sales, clothing manufacturers have begun considering hemp’s promise (or threat) in ready-to-wear. If, for example, Levi-Strauss switched from cotton to hemp, their already durable jeans would become almost indestructible. Translation: lower gross sales, but considerably lower operating cost, so that profit reasonably may be expected to increase. Imagine how well hemp denim would work in children’s clothing. One little pair of Oshkosh B’Gosh Overalls might last seven generations.


Some forecasters identify hemp diapers as the canary in the clothing industry’s mine. Hemp diapers’ success very well may signal radical upheaval in everything about how clothes are made, marketed, and sold.


Ashley J Michaels is an home economist.

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Hemp ? The Misunderstood Plant

posted in: Hemp 0

Hemp is one such plant that has been in use since time immemorial. Yet most of us are least aware of the beneficial effects that this plant has on our health and thus, we have been ignoring it. Instead, the plant is being used for its psychedelic effects on a large scale in and around the world.If the benefits of this plant have been known a little earlier then instead of abandoning the plant, it could have been used for better purposes.

Many a great people tried to make the world understand the uses of this wonder plant. Though the time has come to passé now yet it is never too late to dig underneath and find out the truths. Getting to know more about the origin of the plant and trying to find the answer of valid questions related to the plant will be helpful in understanding the plant and its uses in a better way.

Hemp Plant is spelt as confusion as it has been used over the years to stir emotions. The plant is well known for its ability to stir the emotion of an individual beyond the admissible reasoning along with myths scoring better than facts. As a human, most of us easily give in to abrupt conclusions without any sense of reasoning. Had we been a little more reasonable then we would have been using this plant for a better purpose rather than renouncing it.

One of the most common forms of hemp is Cannabis sativa. This species occurs in various shapes and sizes. Better known as a fibrous plant, this plant has different physical traits. The term “hemp” is also sometimes used to refer to the fiber that is obtained from this species. Though, there is no clear information on how and when this plant was discovered but one thing that is certain about this plant is that it is plant that lives peacefully.

Among the various uses of hemp plantation, one of the most important and most popular uses is that the hemp seeds are helpful in strengthening the immune system. Those nutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system are found in these seeds. It is also found to be helpful for the physiological functions as well. Thus, the hemp seeds are a good source of medicine. It can be used in the form of oil which can be used for cooking purposes or salad dressings.

Besides this, the oil can also used as a fuel and does not emit black carbon which makes it environment friendly as well. The benefits of cannabis are increasing day by day. Every part of the plant, be it the seed, the root, stem or the leaf, are beneficial. As a result of the many uses that it provides, this plant is well known as “the plant of life”

There are many wrong thoughts about plante chanvre which is descibed very effectively By Tom.

Os Cães Ladram mas a Caravana Não Pára. (1997)
[Gravadora:Sony Music, Produção Mario Caldato Jr]


1. “Zerovinteum” 5:18
2. “Queimando Tudo” 2:55
3. “Hip Hop Rio” 2:34
4. “Bossa” 0:25
5. “100% Hardcore” 2:47
6. “Biruta” 3:35
7. “Mão na Cabeça” 3:25
8. “O Bicho Tá Pegando” 2:54
9. “Adoled (The Ocean)” 3:07
10. “Seus Amigos” 1:43
11. “Paga Pau” 3:20
12. “Rappers Reais” 3:24
13. “Nega do Cabelo Duro” 2:04
14. “Hemp Family” 3:28
15. “Quem Me Cobrou?” 2:04
16. “Se Liga” 6:52

Latest Hemp News

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Pre-filed bill aims to make industrial hemp a cash crop in Alaska
A bill pre-filed Friday by Sen. Johnny Ellis, D-Anchorage, seeks to make hemp an agricultural crop in Alaska. Ellis had been considering proposing an industrial hemp bill for several years, he said, and after seeing bipartisan support for hemp in the U …
Read more on Alaska Dispatch

Latest Hemp News

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Oregon moves closer to industrialized hemp production
Clothing: Hemp has been used in textile manufacturing for centuries. Although rather rough when used on its own, it can be blended with silk or other fine materials. It is often used to produce shoes and jeans. Food/beverages: About 40 percent of hemp …
Read more on Albany Democrat Herald

An end to exile: Hemp's bright American future
Industrial hemp somehow survived America's narcotic age. Despite today's uncertain politics and incomplete laws, it's poised to become a major agricultural and industrial force. The manufacturing infrastructure is being built. Its penny stocks reflect …
Read more on SFGate

Understanding The Differences Between Hemp and Cannabis
Hemp, on the hand, is used to describe a Cannabis Sativa plant that contains only trace amounts of THC. Hemp is a high-growing plant, typically bred for industrial uses such as oils and topical ointments, as well as fiber for clothing, construction …
Read more on Medical Jane

Jack Herer – Emperor of Hemp (Full)

posted in: Hemp 17

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R.I.P. Jack

This documentary chronicles the life of Jack Herer and his struggle for awareness and enlightenment of cannabis sativa, a.k.a. marijuana or hemp. His research into this plant culminates in his writing The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Official Hemp Bible. He has dedicated his life to educating people about the history and many utilization’s of hemp, the conspiracy against it, and ending marijuana prohibition.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Hemp Jewelry

posted in: Hemp 5

Hemp is a product that comes from plants of the genus Cannabis. It has a vast array of applications including use as a foodstuff/dietary supplement, for medicinal purposes, industrial purposes (making papers, textiles, plastics etc) and for the manufacture of clothing. Another of the most commonly used applications of hemp is in the creation of hemp jewelry. The properties of hemp make it ideal for this purpose, and as a result, these Eco gems are greatly loved by many individuals.


Hemp jewelry was popular during the ’60s when hippie culture was at its height. These days it still exists, and although it is not as popular as it was back in the ’60s, it still has a strong market, especially on the internet, with many companies devoting their entire market to the sale of the product.


Hemp jewelry comes in all different shapes, sizes and forms. It offers something for everyone and offers something intriguing and different from most jewelry dealers. Examples include bracelets, necklaces and body jewelry.


There are many techniques for making hemp jewelry. Crochet, weaving, beading (and others) – the technique used depends on the desired product. Different types of pieces are popular with different people. Males tend to prefer simpler jewelry and females often opt for products with beads and more decorative features, although hemp jewelry can be relatively genderless.


Individuals may have a variety of reasons for purchasing hemp jewelry. They may have been part of the hippie movement and therefore purchase it for the nostalgia value, or they may enjoy products in general from that era. A big reason for choosing this type of jewelry is that it is Eco friendly. It can be highly attractive and, because it is made from hemp twine, feels more natural than other pieces.


The organic nature of the product may also appeal to some individuals, since hemp contains no synthetic materials and is biodegradable. Some people may be attracted to this type of jewelry as it offers a “unique” and “different” quality. Whatever the reason for purchasing hemp pieces, it is a product that’s been popular for a long time and will continue to do so in the future.

I am Mohan read mathematics at Stanford and remained there for his MS. From 1998-1999 on researched in Evolution and in Animal Behavior in  Camrbidge, UK. I was was then a professor in the departments of Anthropology and Biology, New Jersy College, USA. Now teaches at the department of Zoology. Carried out research in several areas of evolutionary biology, particularly in sexual selection and the comparative method.

How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update

Abby Martin takes a look at the real reason why hemp is illegal in the US, the truth might surprise you.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation Hosts Major Regional Meeting in South Florida

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Pleasant Grove, Utah (PRWEB) January 14, 2015

ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation (OTCBB: FVRG), a leading direct marketing company and provider of health-centered products, today announced the company will be hosting a regional meeting for members and leaders in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday, January 24, 2015.

The event, ForeverGreen’s first corporate-sponsored regional event, will allow area members, leaders and interested parties to learn more about the company and its products. Many of the company’s most successful leaders and members will be in attendance. Additionally, ForeverGreen’s management team will have the opportunity to meet with those local members and leaders to discuss how to enhance business in the region.

Five of ForeverGreen’s senior leadership team will be at the event, including Ron Williams, CEO and founder; Blake Schroeder, President of Europe; Jeff Graham, President of North America; Craig Smith, General Manager; and Randy Crane, Director of Recognition.

ForeverGreen is excited to host its meeting on the East Coast as many local members and leaders, who have been unable to travel to Utah in the past, will be in attendance. Guests and prospective members will have the opportunity to learn the scientific benefits and competitive advantages of many of the company’s products. ForeverGreen will also have members of its investor relations team on hand to create awareness and visibility for the public company. They will be available to provide information and answer any questions from shareholders and potential shareholders.

For more information on the event and tickets, please visit

ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation develops, manufactures and distributes an expansive line of all natural whole foods and products to North America, Australia, Europe, Asia and South America, including their new global offerings, PowerStrips, SolarStrips and BeautyStrips. They also offer Azul and FrequenSea(TM), whole-food beverages with industry exclusive marine phytoplankton, the Versativa line of hemp-based whole-food products, immune support and weight management products, Pulse-8 powdered L-arginine formula, TRUessence(TM) Essential Oils and Apothecary, 24Karat Chocolate(R) and an entire catalog of meals, snacks, household cleaners and personal care products.

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that certain statements in this release are “forward-looking statements” and involve both known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Such uncertainties include among others, certain risks associated with the operation of the company described above. The company’s actual results could differ materially from expected results.

Cotton and Hemp

posted in: Hemp 0
by gramz

Cotton is a natural fiber producer for manufacturing cloths. Its sweet nectar attracts destructive insect pests a variety like, boll weevil, boll worm, army worm, and the red spider. One of the fungus’s called Witt also destroys the root system of the cotton plant.

To determine the origin of cotton is very difficult one can say that nature bounded humanity to its basic instincts to cover up his body and for that it used different sort of things from leafs to finding the remarkable stuff like cotton. But at this stage of technological advancement scientists say that it is almost 7000 years ago that fiber and boll fragments were discovered and the idea began of producing sort of clothing with it. Estimated that, for about 5000 years it’s been grown in India. China, Egypt, North and South America probably used it for much longer. European settlers grew it as their early business at the Jamestown colony in 1607. Before 1861-1865 Cotton was the most important crop in Southern US states. Slaves use to work all day picking cotton for their masters in the presence of the overseers, who used to be on the horses.

England was one of the South’s largest cotton customers. Considering rightly that the cotton was as good as gold New Orleans was the major l9th-century port for cotton export. Cotton used to play most important role as barter trade between many countries. This plan worked until 1862 when the Union army occupied New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Federal forces raided from Morgan City up to Alexandria. Vicksburg and Port Hudson fell, giving the Union control of the Mississippi River. As Confederate troops retreated, they destroyed as much of the cotton crop as possible, to prevent this “gold” from falling into enemy hands.


It is believed that no historian know the first people to put hemp to good use. But whenever and wherever people discovered Cannabis hemp, they used it for five of its benefits those are, hempen fibers, oil from the seeds, the seeds for food, as a medicine, and for the narcotic properties it possessed.

Cannabis hemp use exists for the past ten thousand years. That makes it the oldest cultivated crop. It was cultivated in China as early as nearly 4000 B.C. in most of the historical documents Hemp is mentioned. It is mentioned in Zend-Avesta, a sacred book as old as 600 B.C. Chinese Emperor Chen-Nung wrote about it 5000 years ago record tells us that Hemp in 1621 was also used for depression cure and in 1764 as for inflammation for skin.

The use of hemp In Africa is also mentioned in its history, it was used to cure dysentery, and fevers, many tribes in Africa even in this advanced era of medicine and technology uses hemp to treat snake bites, women use it to smoke before giving birth to an infant. Around seventeenth century peasants and, farmers would pick flowers from their hemp plants and feed them to their livestock to protect the animals from evil and sickness.

They believed it has a magical power, and practiced this tradition.

Some of the western physicians used hemp as medicine too; W.B. O’Shaughnessy published in 1839 the benefits of cannabis for the treatment of rabies, rheumatism, epilepsy, and tetanus. Also reported it to be helpful when mixed with alcohol and taken orally was very effective, pain killer.

It was used by Henry VIII for the purpose of maritime in England it was cultivated on one quarter of an acre for every sixty acres of land under tillage. The British started its cultivation in its Canadian colonies in 1606, in Virginia 1611.and in 1632 New England started its cultivation that was produced by the pilgrims, it was taught to them by Native American people.

It was a very tedious and hard production process of hemp. So it was up to the slaves to cultivate. The domestic cultivation of hemp was effected after the civil war in America. It affected its economy hugely.
But later it was the chain of Hearst newspaper that did the propaganda against it. Through the Hearst newspaper the phrase was coined “Marijuana Madness” relating to Mexican, African American, and jazz musicians, it was said that the use of marijuana caused excessive sex, and violence, and threatened the safety of white women and children. Following this campaign against hemp it was not long before the complete prohibition of hemp was enacted.

Segun Olowookere recently started his own clothing company called Lowooke who speciallise in designing, producing and distributing a range of clothing aimed at the urban and youth market. The apparel that Lowooke sells is produced using organic materials that have been ethically sourced. You can view their range of Urban Clothing London at

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Diversity Matters: The Marijuana Industrys New Recruiting Firm, THC Staffing Group

Boston, MA (PRWEB) January 18, 2015

A new staffing firm is currently accepting applications from candidates at all levels interested in a career in the marijuana industry.

THC Staffing Group is a business endeavor started by two seasoned activists, Danielle Schumacher and Shaleen Title, dedicated to smart drug policy and the development of a diverse, robust and legal marijuana industry. Working together in this venture, their focus is on finding qualified candidates for America’s fast growing marijuana industry that are not only the right fit professionally and personally, but also represent a wide and diverse cross-section of America’s population.

Designed to assist employers with their staffing needs, THC Staffing Group is poised to grow with the new (diverse) marijuana industry. With national media openly reviewing marijuana’s changing roles, as in 60 Minutes’ recent Colorado story, The Marijuana Effect (11 January 2015), and ABC News reporting a Federal Judge Weighs Marijuana’s Classification (12 January 2015), legalizing marijuana not only changes our laws – it changes our economy.

“It’s no secret that the medical and adult-use marijuana industries are highly regulated and scrutinized,” said Shaleen Title, an attorney who worked on Amendment 64, Colorado’s historic legalization initiative. “This scrutiny extends to the diversity of the staff of prospective businesses. Several of the most recent states to create a competitive marijuana dispensary application process have requested information about the diversity of the applicants.”

“We can help find candidates,” continued Title, “that are aware of and sensitive to the diversity among customers and stakeholders. With our help, you can build your brand as one of the rare marijuana businesses to connect across communities.”

“Most importantly,” Danielle Schumacher added, “a team with diverse backgrounds will be ready to creatively and effectively handle the ever changing – and growing – marijuana industry.”

Based in Boston, Shaleen Title is an attorney with more than ten years of experience helping others start new careers in marijuana business and policy. As the Speakers Bureau Director for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Title recruited judges and law enforcement officials to speak out in favor of legalization.

Danielle Schumacher is a seasoned activist with experience running marijuana businesses across the country. As the first chancellor of Oaksterdam University, Schumacher worked with Richard Lee to establish America’s first cannabis college. Originally from Illinois, in 2005 Schumacher moved to California to head the Cannabis Action Network.

THC Staffing Group is currently developing a tool to begin collecting industry salary information in spring 2015.

“Diversity is far more than just a moral issue,” Schumacher noted. “In the 21st century, it’s a business and economic necessity.”

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